“Let’s work together for a liberal and pro-European Avellino”

“Let’s work together for a liberal and pro-European Avellino”
“Let’s work together for a liberal and pro-European Avellino”

+EUROPA participated in these administrative elections with a clear choice of side: within the progressive coalition alongside Antonio Gengaro.

A thoughtful choice, desired because we are progressives and because Antonio Gengaro responded convincingly to the appeal we had launched, while the other forces of the center-left were still struggling in the chaos of nominating potential candidates for mayor. A simple appeal: put the program and its themes at the center.

We did it. We presented a clear, feasible program that aimed to do what any serious electoral program should always do: analyze the city’s problems, and offer solutions doable. We said from the beginning that we would support those who, in turn, would choose to support our vision of Avellino: liberal, attentive to the needs of its citizens and ready to give new impetus to the economy and innovation; a European and pro-European Avellino. Antonio Gengaro made this vision his own, and we supported him, without any buts.

Therefore, first of all it is our duty to thank our candidate for mayor, for all the effort made in these two months, for not sparing himself, physically and morally.

Thanks to our coalition partners in Avellino Progetto Partecipato, with whom we shared a political method and a common vision for the city.

This effort was not rewarded with a victory, and this must be acknowledged. Our sincere best wishes for good work go to the new City Council, the new Council and, obviously, the new Mayor.

They need it, because the problems of Avellino that we have identified in recent months, they’re obviously all still here.

The young people of Avellino still need answers: to their demand for old and new spaces for study, free research and socialization; to their demand for a quality of life (and air) worthy of a European provincial capital; to their demand for well-paid, dignified jobs, attentive to their needs and qualifications; to their demand to want to stay in Avellino, not to have to abandon it.

The families of Avellino need answers: to their demand for services, both school and health; to their demand for functioning and accessible public transport; to no longer have to ask themselves if their children, once again, will be forced to grow up elsewhere, instead of in their city.

The entrepreneurs and workers of Avellino and the rest of the province need answers: to their question whether or not Avellino has the intention of taking back its role as the true capital, as the coordinating center for the productive activities of a province that has a desperate need for genuine entrepreneurship and job protection; to their demand for technological, scientific and managerial innovation, which increases the quality of work and opens up new jobs; to their question, whether politics in Avellino really wants to be the protagonist of an industrial strategy or whether it intends to allow industrial havoc like that of Flumeri’s Italian Bus Industry, which a government, which we do not hesitate to define as wicked, wants to destroy for reasons which still remain incomprehensible to us.

To all these and other questions, +EUROPA immediately wanted to offer answers, based on our principles and values: Europeanism, work, innovation, scientific environmentalism, intergenerational equity.

The election campaign is over, but the questions remain. Our proposals also remain.

For this reason, we at Più Europa Avellino intend to continue to put politics at the centre, overcoming polarization and positioning, so that the city of Avellino has the answers it needs. This is why we are launching a new appeal, this time addressed to all the citizens of Avellino who share our vision: let us work together to ensure that a liberal, pro-European Avellino, which stimulates innovation and research, which protects its environment with rationality, and which gives its citizens everything they need, finally becomes reality.

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