a weekend of interventions

a weekend of interventions
a weekend of interventions

The weekend just gone by was characterised by intense operational activity by the Messina Coast Guardcalled to intervene in various critical situations to ensure safety at sea and on the coasts. The favorable weather conditions have led many citizens to enjoy the sea and the beaches, but have also increased the need for safeguard interventions.

Friday 27 June: A timely intervention for a surfer in difficulty

On Friday afternoon, precisely at 1.30pm, the A82 fast unit of the Coast Guard was called to intervene for a surfer reported in difficulty near Cape Scaletta. After a careful field check which ruled out any immediate need for rescue, the commander was able to resume navigation for subsequent monitoring of the maritime territory, ensuring the tranquility of swimmers and water sports practitioners.

On the same Friday afternoon, the CP 801 patrol boat from Reggio Calabria provided assistance to a sailing vessel with a Polish flag, which had encountered problems due to a rope caught in the propeller. Thanks to the promptness and competence of the crew, the vessel was easily escorted to the port of Reggio Emilia, allowing the unit to be quickly restored to full functionality.

Saturday 28 June: Another intense day of interventions

Saturday saw the Operations Room once again Coast Guard of Messina at the center of the action, coordinating the rescue of the 15-meter long sailing boat “Shery”, with three people on board, which had complained of an engine failure while passing through the port of Reggio Calabria. The patrol boat CP 801 of Reggio Calabria intervened promptly, escorting the vessel safely to the port for necessary repairs.

Saturday Night to Sunday Night: Search and Rescue at Sea

During the night hours between Saturday and Sunday, the CP 2088 patrol boat from Messina was activated for a delicate search and rescue operation. A unit reported in difficulty, which had fired a red rocket as a distress signal, required rapid and precise intervention. Despite the professionalism of the operators and the dedicated commitment, the searches unfortunately did not lead to the discovery of the reported vessel.

Respect for the sea and safety at sea

The Coast Guard emphasizes the importance of respectful behavior towards the sea and maritime safety regulations. It is essential to be informed about sea conditions and weather forecasts before embarking on any navigation, as well as to ensure the full efficiency of one’s physical conditions to safely face activities at sea.

Finally, an appeal is launched regarding signal flares: it is essential to dispose of them correctly and responsibly, following the provisions of the competent authorities to guarantee the safety of all users and the protection of the marine environment.

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