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Ferrara, murals Darsena area ex Camilli park La Nuova Ferrara

Ferrara, murals Darsena area ex Camilli park La Nuova Ferrara
Ferrara, murals Darsena area ex Camilli park La Nuova Ferrara

Ferrara The Darsena, rediscovered, restored and now available to the city, was still missing a small piece to be considered completely new: an intervention in the park from Camillus. No sooner said than done. Between Saturday and Sunday a forty artists of street people coming from Ferrara but also from neighboring cities in Emilia Romagna have taken steps to embellish it. Surrounded by curious people and enthusiasts of the sector, under the scorching sun which shone with particular intensity in these two days, the street artist they gave free rein to their imagination. There were those who, eager to see the completed work, asked what it represented, those who congratulated them on the idea they had, those who gave advice on its implementation and of course also those who grumbled, because you never manage to please everyone.

The days The event was managed by Jessica Faccini which he suggested to artists to take into account in their works the environment and everything that could be connected to it and so it was done, also allowing some to display some works in a stall. The primary objective, however, was to launch an initiative already foreseen during the previous mandate to further redevelop this area where there had already been a first important artistic intervention which recalls, with a very significant graffiti, the massacre at the Bologna station . But there was still a lot of space available and to prevent the walls from being decorated with pure vandalism, the Iceberg association chaired by Alessandro Soriani proposed the initiative to the Municipality.

The first one was good The Corlo association has found in the councilor and deputy mayor Alessandro Balboni a sensitive interlocutor given that he not only willingly accepted the proposal but also contributed to the success of the event. Now Ferrara is also part of the circuit of cities that make places and spaces available to these artists in which to express their creativity. It may not remain an isolated initiative, other gray spaces in the city are waiting to be redeveloped and urban art could be an excellent key to giving freshness and personality to anonymous walls. Street artists know it: using walls as canvases is good and helps to take art out of classical contexts.

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