«New rules to protect law enforcement»

«New rules to protect law enforcement»
«New rules to protect law enforcement»

Will be held Friday 5 July, starting from 10.30 am in the conference room of Salina Hotel in Taranto, the event promoted by Brothers of Italy and called “Security Package – The rules to protect the police forces”.

«The initiative – explain the organizers – represents a moment of discussion and dialogue on the measures to protect members of the Police and Armed Forces put in place by the Meloni government and which contain economic resources for the contract renewals of uniformed staff, rules that introduce new crimes including that of “prison riot”, increases in penalties and measures to protect men and women in uniform subjected to violence or injury”.

«Finally, a measure arrives in Parliament that addresses the issue of security in a serious and concrete way. An effective response for our communities and, at the same time, for all the men and women in uniform who every day they work with professionalism and determination at the service of the country. This meeting, open to trade unions, local administrations and all citizens, represents the desire to share our commitment to safety with the territory” commented the Honourable Giovanni Maiorano of Brothers of Italy, member of the IV Defense Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and member of the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission.

The event will be attended by the Honorable Augusta Montaruli, deputy group leader of Brothers of Italy at Camera, member of the 1st Constitutional Affairs Commission, of the Presidency of the Council and of the Interior as well as of Parliamentary commission of inquiry into safety conditions and on the state of degradation of cities and their suburbs.

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