Raul Cremona at Restival 2024. | Today Treviso | News

Raul Cremona at Restival 2024. | Today Treviso | News
Raul Cremona at Restival 2024. | Today Treviso | News

An irreverent dose of comedy is ready to conquer the audience with laughter
Restival 2024the Restera festival in Casale sul Sile, which will accompany the Treviso summer until Sunday 7th July. On Monday 1st July, the comedian and cabaret artist will be on stage in the Parco delle Vecchie Pioppe Raul Cremona that with his show “Not any more” will offer viewers of the Brand an overview of its most famous characters.

Born in Milan in 1956, Raul Cremona is one of the most famous and followed comedians and cabaret artists in Italy. An excellent magician, he began his career in Milanese clubs, bringing his magic tricks to the stage, entrusted however to characters who had an enormous comical quality, such as the greasy Mago Oronzo, in a vest, with a belly full of beer and a toothpick in his mouth, and Silvano, the parody of the legendary Mago Silvan. Noticed by the Gialappa’s Band, he worked with them from 1990 to 2000 in the TV program “Mai dire Gol”, later becoming one of the mainstays of the program “Zelig – Noi facendo cabaret”. The collaboration with the authors of Zelig will continue in the following editions of the program, from 2002 to 2008 with “Zelig” and “Zelig Circus”, introducing the public to new characters such as Omen, the prototype of the chauvinist man and the actor Jacopo Ortis who imitates Carmelo Bene. His fame extends beyond the stage, with television and film appearances that have helped shape Italian comic culture.

Between magic tricks and puns, music, gags and sketches, the recital “Not any more” that Raul Cremona will bring to Restival on July 1st presents itself as a surreal journey into the very long artistic memory of the famous cabaret, offering the public rather bizarre encounters. Here then is Jacopo Ortis with his comically Gassmanian speech, born from that childhood spent between a game at the oratory and an evening at the Arena cinema where “The Mattatore” or “The Monsters” was shown. And again Silvano the magician of Milan, distorted image of the greatest Italian magician, mirror of Cremona’s first teenage love. And what about the intolerant Omen that Raul as a child learned to know in a Milan that no longer exists? Then there is space for song, thanks to the music played live by Omar Stellacci, to rediscover together with the Milanese comedian the splendid out-of-dateness of artists such as Kramer, Arigliano and the Cetra Quartet. During the show Raul Cremona, with disenchantment and a hint of nostalgia, gives the spectators a carousel ride, at times whirlwind, at times poetic, reconfirming himself as a storyteller who, with great originality, uses magic as the art of narration.

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