School-Business. Cna Ravenna met over 900 middle and high school students and 1000 parents

School-Business. Cna Ravenna met over 900 middle and high school students and 1000 parents
School-Business. Cna Ravenna met over 900 middle and high school students and 1000 parents

A round table was held in recent days to take stock of orientation and the relationship between schools and businesses, one year after the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the Province, the Entrepreneurship Roundtable and the Regional School Office during which the various associations carried out projects with schools. The reflection took place not only with some of the participating schools and institutions, but also with external experts who brought their point of view to the young people.

With the CNA@School project, CNA Ravenna has met over 900 middle and high school students and approximately 100 parents this school year. In particular, the activities of the CNA@School project were divided into three fronts: orientationwith the show “everyone is perfect… even if they hide it really well” by Michele Dotti, for middle school students and parents; development of business and work cultureat high schools, with testimonials from companies and specific projects such as Enterprise, business to student and a survey conducted on students to understand how they see work and their future; ready for workwith internships in the company, module on starting a business, orientation on employment contracts and pay slips.

Many schools are involved: Alighieri Classical High School, Ravenna; ITC Ginanni, Ravenna; ITIS Baldini, Ravenna; Torricelli High School – Ballardini, Faenza; ITIP Bucci, Faenza; Ricci Technical Center and High School – Curbastro, Lugo; IIS Guerra, Cervia; F. Berti State Comprehensive Institute, Bagnacavallo; Carchidio-Strocchi State Comprehensive Institute, Faenza.

The President of the Territorial CNA of Ravenna Matthew Leoni he underlined how “human capital, training and the close relationship that must exist between the world of school and local businesses are a crucial point. In our opinion, a large part of the economic and competitive present and future of our territory depends on this “alliance”. We must also dispel certain stereotypes about manufacturing jobs: Today laboratories or workshops are highly technological places that allow young people to fulfill themselves”.

Among the participants also Michele Dotti EduacAttore, who recalled the need for young people to have the opportunity to discover their talents and make dreams and not needs once again the protagonists in the thoughts of young people. “To do this – concluded Dotti – it can certainly be useful to introduce new teaching tools and training for teachers”.

The point of view of is also interesting Massimiliano Maiolipsychologist, psychotherapist, group analyst specialized in young people: “the kids ofToday they think and act in an analog-digital way while our generation in a logical way and therefore it is often not easy to understand or get to know each other. Currently, young people can be classified into three different categories: those “adequate” to our current training and work system; the independents, who often build new paths, perhaps doing jobs completely different from their studies; lastly the “illegals”, i.e. those who choose a job that has not yet been well regulated by the rules.”

The Provincial Councilor with responsibility for Education concluded the initiative Maria Luisa Martinez who reiterated that “students must be at the center of the education system, but sometimes this doesn’t happen; in addition to the purely didactic function, teachers must also have an educational one”. “We need to get our students to express themselves and talk more, trying to combat school dropout by directing young people in the best possible way.”

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