Tuscany, the capital of agritourism, Lucca towards a record 2024

Tuscany, the capital of agritourism, Lucca towards a record 2024
Tuscany, the capital of agritourism, Lucca towards a record 2024

LUCCA – Tuscany, the capital of agritourisms. It is the first region in Italy capable of attracting almost 1.3 million tourists, even in the most remote areas, three out of five foreigners, exceeding in the season that has just begun the already record flows of the pre-Covid period.

The province of Lucca, where the structures are already almost fully booked, contributes significantly to this Tuscan record with 239 structures spread across the territory with 2500 beds: Capannori is the most agritourism municipality with 38 structures, followed by Lucca with 21 and Montercarlo with 14. At a regional level The structures grew by 13 percent compared to 2019 and almost 8 percent compared to last year.
This is revealed by the ranking drawn up by Coldiretti Toscana and Terranostra, elaborated on the basis of Istat data and presented on the occasion of the Stati Generali dell’agriturismo in Florence. The survey shows that 2023 was a record year for Lucca’s agritourism with 163 thousand presences, 15% more than the previous year and 40 thousand arrivals with an increase in this case of 5% with international tourism exceeding Italian tourism. Excellent start to the season, as mentioned, also in 2024 despite the crazy climate with the structures that are approaching full capacity for a summer that promises to be a record one.

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