here are the appointed councilors

here are the appointed councilors
here are the appointed councilors

The new municipal council was made official today by the mayor of Bagheria, Filippo Maria Tripoli. Six councilors have currently been appointed by the mayor, who will indicate the seventh member of the government team in the coming days.

Confirmed are Daniele Vella, who will again also serve as deputy mayor and will deal with Budget and Taxes, Cultural Heritage and Activities and Legal Services; Emanuele Tornatore, who has been assigned the delegations for Social and socio-health policies, youth and family, Common goods and shared administration, Suburbs, Inclusion and Equal opportunities, Relations with the Catholic Church and other religious confessions; Civil Protection; Giuseppe Tripoli, who will have to manage the delegations of Suap, Animal Rights and Waste; Francesco Gurrado who has been assigned the delegations for Tourism, Personnel, Urban Decor, Energy and Environment.

The new features of the new Council concern the gender quota: the most elected councilor of the Base Popolare list, Antonella Insinga, enters the council and will manage the delegations of Public Education, School Buildings and Sports. While Vincenzo Mineo (Uniamo Bagheria) will have the delegation of Public Works, including Network Services. All other delegations not indicated will remain in the hands of the mayor who among the most important will keep for himself the municipal police and security, the decentralization of the seaside village of Aspra, Programming, Communication, information and Technological Innovation.

During the presentation of the Council, the mayor of Bagheria wanted to reiterate that his is a civic coalition: “The results obtained in terms of strategic works in this city, through teamwork, I think have been seen – said Tripoli -. We have only one compass: the program and legality, objectives that we will pursue also in the next 5 years”.

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