Differentiated autonomy, five regions prepare the referendum: Sardinia is leading the battle

Differentiated autonomy, five regions prepare the referendum: Sardinia is leading the battle
Differentiated autonomy, five regions prepare the referendum: Sardinia is leading the battle

Five Regions will create a coordination against differentiated autonomy desired by Lega and approved by the majority of the Georgia Meloni. The Sardinia – leader – together with Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Puglia and Campania – will prepare a shared text for the referendum: a document that must be unassailable. However, the project should not be limited to the regions governed by the centre-left and Campo Largo: contacts have already been initiated with Calabria and Basilicata which have regional presidents from Forza Italia but have expressed doubts about the reform written by Calderoli.

The new body will be held together by the President of the Region, Alessandra Todde, “also because she is the most qualified to promote an appeal to the Constitutional Court as governor of a region with special statute”. The timing is mid-July but we need to hurry because Stephen Bonaccini will resign from the presidency of Emilia Romagna on 11 or 12 July – he has been elected to the European Parliament – ​​and one of the ways for the presentation of the referendum is the presentation of citizens’ signatures or promotion by five regional councils, which it would not be feasible after the resignation of the Democratic Party president. 500 thousand signatures would therefore be needed and they will have to be collected by September if the referendum is to be held in 2025.

“Ready to support the political and institutional position of Governor Alessandra Todde in the defense of the specialty of Sardinia, which risks being seriously sacrificed by the differentiated autonomy branded Calderoli”, said the president of the first Autonomy Commission of the Regional Council, Salvatore Corrias (Pd). The Democratic Party representative is ready to bring the debate to the Chamber, also promoting an agenda or a motion that can engage the Sardinian Parliament in the constitutional fight: “We want to defend the legal framework that recognizes our specialty, and that the reform risks making disappear in favor of the regions with ordinary statutes”, reiterates the Democratic Party representative. For the president of the commission, “we cannot allow a law to pass over our heads that risks making us succumb”. In the meantime, the ways of unconstitutionality are being studied for the appeal that would be up to the Island, as a region with special statute.

On Friday 5 July at 10.30, in the headquarters of the CGIL Sardinia in viale Monastir 35, a meeting will be held to set up the Sardinian Committee against differentiated autonomy. The initiative is proposed by Cgil and Uil regional together with all interested parties, political parties, institutional representatives at all different levels, associations and social movements. “In our opinion – say the general secretaries of CGIL and UIL of Sardinia Fausto Durante and Francesca Ticca – the law for the implementation of differentiated autonomy is wrong and harmful, it puts the country’s social stability at risk, exacerbates the existing gaps between the different areas of Italy, aggravates the problems of the world of work. It is time to set up a regional committee in Sardinia too that is committed to supporting this battle”, they conclude, also launching “an appeal to all the subjects who want to unite and coordinate to carry forward the initiatives useful for achieving the objective”.

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