Sanremo 2025, Luca Jurman lashes out against Carlo Conti and the new regulation!

Sanremo 2025, Luca Jurman lashes out against Carlo Conti and the new regulation!
Sanremo 2025, Luca Jurman lashes out against Carlo Conti and the new regulation!

After Amici, Luca Jurman has decided to have his say on the next edition of the Sanremo Festival 2025, in light of the first news announced by the artistic director and host Carlo Conti!

Luca Jurman he returned to create controversy and this time his goal is the still distant one Sanremo Festival 2025which will see the return of Charles Conti after the farewell of Amadeus, host and artistic director for the previous 5 years. The former teacher of the school Friends of Maria De Filippi he decided to lash out against the latest news announced by the host and the changes made to the rules of the singing competition.

Sanremo 2025, Carlo Conti and the innovations introduced for the next edition of the Festival

A few days ago, Carlo Conti presented the new regulation for the next edition of Sanremo 2025: in a first interview with TGUno Mattina Estate, the host had admitted that he would reduce the number of songs in the competition and that he would re-establish the division between Big and new proposals.

In a second update, Conti he then announced that “everything will be faster and more streamlined”lowering the age of participation for new proposals, from 16 to 26 years of age, and announcing that until the end of August he and the musical commission will take care of listening to all the songs presented, to reduce the list of aspiring participants to 40 names, further reduced to have the 24 names with live auditions.

Finally, to select the young proposals, 4 evenings will be broadcast on Rai2 (12, 19, 26 November and 3 December) in which the artists will present their songs. In the end, three winning artists will emerge from these live challenges, to which will be added one from the Sanremo Area, for a total of 4 singers who will participate with their proposals at the event, which will be held from 4 to 8 February 2025.

Furthermore, the evaluation of the artists in the Festival Final will be entrusted 50% to televoting and another 50% to a musical commissionto avoid the inconveniences that occurred last year with Geolier.

Sanremo 2025, Luca Jurman against the innovations made by Carlo Conti for the Festival

The new regulation proposed by Carlo Conti However, it does not seem to have met with everyone’s approval and, in particular, Luca Jurman expressed doubts about the innovations introduced by the artistic presenter. Back to speaking on social media, Luca Jurman he published a video in which on the one hand he recalled that he had always admired the Tuscan presenter’s way of working, always on the artists’ side, on the other hand he expressed his doubts about the term “novelty” used to describe the changes made.

According to the former Amici teacher, in fact, the changes in regulation may not be enough to bring a breath of fresh air to the Sanremo Festival 2025 valorizing art and culture and promoting artists who can only count on their voice and not on social algorithms. The music producer, however, criticized the host’s choice to place an age limit on the New Proposals category.

If, in fact, last year the maximum age was set at 29 years, it has now been lowered to 26 years:

Why only 26 years old? Maybe young people who have already gained followers and visibility in some talent show will enter? Or via the Internet? And all those who have spent money, time, life, making sacrifices to study and prepare? But also artists and producers who have worked until yesterday to present themselves this year among the New Proposals and if they are over 27 years old say ‘your business’?”

By publishing a post with his speech on social media, Luca Jurman accused Carlo Conti Of “turn off the light of all the artists who certainly have artistic and expressive maturity worthy of a place in the sun in this dark world of today’s music“.

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