Carlo Bacci’s “Liguri Apuani” at the Fourteen ArTellaro

Carlo Bacci’s “Liguri Apuani” at the Fourteen ArTellaro
Carlo Bacci’s “Liguri Apuani” at the Fourteen ArTellaro

From next July 6th, starting at 7 pm, for two weeks (the end is set for July 21st), Fourteen ArTellaro hosts “Liguri Apuani” by Carlo Bacci, an exhibition curated by Guido Ferrari. “I gladly accept the invitation to return to the Fourteenartellaro space, a space that I inaugurated eight years ago with my Schiacciapensieri, in the Itai Doshin (different bodies, same mind) exhibition, curated by Guido Ferrari”. Itai Doshin (different bodies, same mind) is the principle of harmony and unity that allows people to achieve any goal together, taking into account the importance of individuality and differences between them. In the world of art, the differences in personality and expression of artists (different bodies) who share the ideal of creating beauty, reflection, emotion, action (same mind) contribute not only to making us observe the reality that surrounds us in a different way than usual but also to making it better, broadening our horizons and opening our minds.

The Apuan Ligurians by Carlo Bacci
“In the showcase of the Fourteen ArTellaro space from 6 July to 21 July there will be the couple of my Liguri Apuani, who here represent the feminine and masculine part that lives in each of us. I always find inspiration and strength from our roots, our ancestors who lived, fought and defended a strip of land, not defined by geographical maps, which extends from the Ligurian Sea to the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines to the Apuan Alps. Hoes, pitchforks, spades and picks are the protagonists, objects of the peasant tradition, always present in my works, worn by wear and time they pass from object to subject in a sort of childish suggestion, evoking the Stele statues of Lunigiana”.

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