11 companies from the province of Foggia awarded

11 companies from the province of Foggia awarded
11 companies from the province of Foggia awarded

The 78 most competitive companies in Puglia were awarded the High Balance Sheet Honor of the Industria Felix Award, which took place on Friday 28 June at the Acaya Golf Resort in the province of Lecce: thirty are from the province of Bari, 13 from Lecce, 12 from Taranto, 11 from Foggia, 8 from Brindisi and 4 from Bat.

The 59th event, the tenth edition of Puglia, was presented by the journalist Maria Soave and was organized by Industria Felix Magazine, a quarterly economics and finance magazine directed by Michele Montemurro, soon to be published on Monday 8 July as a free supplement with Il Sole 24 Ore in the main Italian cities, in collaboration with Cerved, Luiss Guido Carli University, AC Industria Felix, with the support of Confindustria, with the patronage of Confindustria Puglia, Polytechnic of Bari, University of Salento, University of Bari Aldo Moro, University of Foggia, with the media partnerships of Il Sole 24 Ore, Askanews and Adnkronos and with the partnerships of Banca Mediolanum, Mediolanum Private Banking, Grant Thornton, Elite (Euronext), Leyton Italia, M&L Consulting Group, Dalmine Logistic Solutions, Musa Formazione e Lavoro, Salentauto De Nuzzo.

During the event, an edition exclusively reserved for ESG themes ‘Sustainable Italy that competes’ was announced for June 2025, so as to help and raise awareness among companies on the issues of sustainability in the environmental, social and management fields. business.

The following companies from Foggia were awarded: Avioman Manutenzione E Costruzioni Aeronautiche Srl, Consorzio Stabile Prometeo Srl (Consorzio Stabile Prometeo Spa), De Cristofaro Srl, Garganica Residence Srl, Lotras Srl, Master Group Srl, Ncd – Divisione Eolica Srl, OP Natura Dauna Società Cooperativa Agricola Arl, Pap Project Studio Srl, Sisecam Flat Glass South Italy Srl, Tecnologie Materiali Compositi Srl.

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