Caserta Municipality, the council towards the new entries of colonel and judge

Caserta Municipality, the council towards the new entries of colonel and judge
Caserta Municipality, the council towards the new entries of colonel and judge

A council with technical and authoritative grafts to relaunch the action and the image of the administration that awaits the decisions of the judiciary regarding the investigation on contracts and vote-trading that involves, among others, the councilors Massimiliano Marzo (ended up under house arrest) and Emiliano Casale (among the 14 investigated). This is the intention of the mayor Carlo Marino forced to review, in a climate profoundly different from that imagined by majority councilors who were awaiting the mid-term review for the new appointments. The hypotheses being examined by the council groups are many, although the idea of ​​also involving a former magistrate it’s a colonel of the Guardia di Finanza. However, there are still few certainties about the expected turning point: after the decisions of the Review, consultations between the majority forces will begin, while the path that will lead to the new council will be communicated in advance to the Prefecture.

A first informal step would have already taken place on the sidelines of the order and safety committee as confirmed by the dem John Municipal. «The mayor – he says – warned us that he would take institutional steps to decisively address the arrived strengthening its authority. The Review is important but I don’t think it’s fundamental. We must separate political affairs from administrative ones and organize the administrative machine where there is a lot of tension and a lot of fear of making mistakes and where too many delays in management are accumulating. From a political point of view the mayor must go avanti». «In recent days we have been thinking above all about the profile called to replace theassessor Mucherino (resigned, ed.) and we await the review to evaluate the situation as a whole – says Francesco Guideindependent councilor of the majority -. Mention was made of a former magistrate and a colonel of the Guardia di Finanza for participation in the new council that will have to be formed by competent and quality people”. The hypothesis of technical additions does not excite the group “Moderates-Together for Caserta” which, with the group leader Russian Maxcalls for caution and the relaunch of the administration’s political project. “We have always called for caution – he says – while waiting for the outcome of the judicial proceedings, then we will discuss a hypothesis of verification that was already foreseen. I don’t believe much in men of providence but I believe that we can successfully draw even from worlds that do not actively participate in city politics. It can be a solution. I believe that the important aspect of the issue is to have a quality project for the restart”.

To confirm the hypothesis of the arrival of technicians (as happened in 2016 when Professor was called to lead the Finance Department Federico Pica) and the mayor: «I’m thinking of great technical figures thickness – dice Marino – with an important history in the institutions but specifically I still have neither names nor precise profiles. The prefecture is a fundamental institutional reference and I believe it is my duty to inform the prefect in advance of any decision I will make. For the moment, however, I have not yet had any discussion with him on this issue”. While waiting to understand which councilors will lose their positions, the center-right is crying out for self-commissioning. “If these first indications are confirmed we will find ourselves – he explains Pasquale Napoletano of Fdi – in the presence of a mayor who appoints a commissioner to his council, giving us reason when we asked for the resignation of the centre-left”. “A wise choice by the mayor who confirms what the centre-right has always maintained: that the current council is not up to the task of leading the capital”, he says Maurizio Del Rosso (Lega) which speaks of an own goal by the mayor.


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