The thieves entered through a hole in the wall and fled before the police arrived


June 30, 2024


This morning the police surrounded and raided a bank in the western area of ​​Vicenza, where some robbers who tried to rob the Credit Agricole headquarters were thought to be barricaded. The thieves, having entered through a hole in the wall, managed to escape before the police arrived.

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This morning the police surrounded and raided a bank in West area of ​​Vicenzawhere it was thought some were barricaded thieves who tried to accomplish a theft at the Credit Agricole headquarters.

At 7.30 in the morning of Sunday, June 30th the operation began in the Credit Agricole banking institution in via Erico Fermi, a Vicenzafor a attempted robbery. Some patrols, coordinated by the Police Commissioner Dario Sallust, they surrounded the banking institution, as reported by The Vicenza Newspaper.

The alarm was raised in the morning, the policemen put on their bulletproof vests not knowing if the people penetrated inside were armed.

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From what we understand, the emergency department and the police officers of the Vicenza police headquarters burst in and checked the entire building. in search of the possible presence of bandits. The police entered from the basement and headed towards the upper part of the building.

Special forces have reached the roof of the building where the headquarters of Credit Agricole is located, in order to proceed with the inspection it was also necessary for the Fire Brigade to intervene and break down a wall.

According to what has been learned, the police have now finished their inspection and the officers are left the bank. No people were located inside the building. The thieves would have entered through a hole in the wall of the garages and initially aimed at the ATMs. It is not known if and how much money they managed to take away.

Before the police intervened, the criminals would have managed to escape. The forensic police are also in the field and will now begin investigations with the examination of the video footage from the cameras and the analysis of the evidence collected.

The area was banned al traffic, even pedestrian, during the whole operation. Now the police have reopened some roads that had been closed during the blitz by the special police unit for the purpose of avoid the involvement of civilians.

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