Vicenza, bandits barricaded in the bank after the attempted robbery: the raid begins

Vicenza, bandits barricaded in the bank after the attempted robbery: the raid begins
Vicenza, bandits barricaded in the bank after the attempted robbery: the raid begins

This morning, June 30, the headquarters of Credit Agricole in Vicenza was the scene of an attempted robbery that mobilized the police.

The anti-robbery alarm went off around 7.00 am, signaling an intrusion into the bank located in the western area of ​​the city.

The Intervention of the Police Forces

Upon the arrival of the Police and Carabinieri, the building was found empty. Despite the timely raid by officers, no person was found inside. However, clear signs of an attempt to break through the wall were found in an underground garage of the building. Furthermore, the bandits tried to break into an ATM without success.

The Bandits’ Escape

The criminals managed to escape before the arrival of the police. The roads and the surrounding area were blocked immediately to prevent further dangers and allow control operations. Police and Carabinieri officers, equipped with bulletproof vests, surrounded a building in the western area of ​​Vicenza where it was suspected that the bandits may have taken refuge.

The Situation on the Ground

The police commissioner of Vicenza, Dario Sallustio, personally intervened on site to coordinate the operations. The special police departments entered the Vicenza Ovest building to inspect the basement of the banking institution. The surrounding area remained sealed off awaiting the conclusion of the operations.

Conclusion of Operations

After hours of tension and searches, the alarm was lifted and the roads were reopened to traffic around 11.00. Despite the failure of the robbery attempt, the speed and effectiveness of the intervention of the police ensured the safety of the area and the citizens.

Investigations are still ongoing to identify those responsible and understand the exact dynamics of the attempted theft.

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