Green area of ​​via Favero. Zonari asks the Municipality to act in self-protection

Green area of ​​via Favero. Zonari asks the Municipality to act in self-protection
Green area of ​​via Favero. Zonari asks the Municipality to act in self-protection

The Municipality of Ferrara should act in self-defense to stop the work in the green area between via Mozzoni and via Mafalda Favero. Anna Zonari requests this with an urgent interpellation. The councilor of “La Comune di Ferrara” reconstructs the process that led the bulldozers today to excavate the land for the foundations of a two-family building and to cut down two trees.

The start of those works was already expected from 4 April 2024, according to the sign placed on the construction site, but Zonari recalls that in 1989 the transfer to the Municipality by the owner of the green area had been agreed, in replacement of the economic costs for another urbanization.

The problem is that the Municipality never formalized that transfer and in 2013 the area underwent a change in classification, from Subzone E3.2 (area of ​​particular landscape and environmental interest) to residential, “not consistent – underlines the councilor – with what is mentioned above”.

And so until 2019 the residents of the neighborhood enjoyed that green area, whose maintenance and mowing was taken care of by the Municipality itself and for five years the residents of the neighborhood have been mobilized to save it.

In the previous council, a special municipal commission of inquiry into the matter was also activated, at the request of the Ferrara Nostra group, which concluded its work with a document, signed by the general director of the Municipality of Ferrara, Sandro Mazzatorta, with which on 14 May 2024 the property was invited to proceed with the transfer of the area to the Municipality.

Zonari at this point recalls that “the reduction of land consumption should represent a priority for every municipal administration” and that “the public administration has the duty to take care of the public interest entrusted to it in the best possible way”. This is also because, the councilor reflects, “the failure of the Municipality to acquire the area in question would constitute a financial loss, as it would replace the urbanization costs due”.

How to get out of it? Zonari’s request, addressed to the mayor of Ferrara, is to adopt “an act of self-decisional protection with an immediately effective clause of a precautionary and urgent nature to stop the works in the area of ​​via Mozzoni – Favero – Serrao and that allows, as the law provides, the reassessment of the existing factual and legal situation, in order to save and return that green area to the community”.

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