Follo, Giacomobono after his resignation: “Marked by mayor Mazzi in the aftermath of the vote”

Follo, Giacomobono after his resignation: “Marked by mayor Mazzi in the aftermath of the vote”
Follo, Giacomobono after his resignation: “Marked by mayor Mazzi in the aftermath of the vote”

As reported in the last few hours, the members of the second Mazzi council are the confirmed Laura Sardi, Corrado Vezzi and Francesco Ratti (the latter appointed as an external councilor), plus Marina Ricco, former president of the municipal council. The now former councilor Pasquale Giacomobono (who had responsibilities for Social Services, Municipal Police and Sport) was not confirmed. Who, re-elected councilor during the recent administrative session, has however irrevocably resigned, giving the reasons for his choice to the press. “I initially intended not to divulge my trying and painful decision, much less the profound reasons that made it mature – writes Giacomobono -, but today, in a conscientious and representative way of my moral and intellectual integrity, in the profound and dutiful sense out of respect for my many fellow citizens who honored me with their vote in the last round of the local elections, I consider it appropriate to declare the objective reasons that led me, not without intimate discomfort, to announce my resignation”.
Giacomobono continues: “During the last administrative elections, still driven by healthy community ideals, I ran for office with the Mazzi list and was among the eight elected members of the reconfirmed municipal majority. Subsequently, for a week, the re-elected mayor was unable, or did not want, to inform me of any positions that I could, or should, receive, until, on June 16, I learned ‘subtly’ from the press that the ‘games’ were almost definitely over. Two figures from the previous legislature would have been confirmed, one position was being filled by an external figure, without any candidacy with respect to the past electoral campaign, while as regards the last assignment of a position, it was a question of choosing between the undersigned and another councilor, who had, in the voting, received ten more votes than the undersigned. Although I am convinced, in the utmost intellectual honesty, that the vacant councilorship can be assigned, by custom, to the other councilor by virtue of the greatest number of votes counted, I would have been available to accept any other councilor position by virtue of the preference legitimized by the votes of the citizens. And so I spontaneously and legitimately asked myself the question of why assign the position to an external councilor”. The former administrator continues: “The answers I came to are very simple to interpret: the appointed external councilor has already held this role externally to the previous municipal council of Follo for about a year and a half, even if then, at the end of the previous legislature, when it was a matter of accounting for his actions during the electoral campaign, he categorically did not want to run, refusing to confront the citizens of Follosa, escaping their legitimate elective judgement, effectively eschewing the sacrosanct response of the ballot boxes. And yes, because by running for office you can win, but also lose! He deliberately chose not to run, but to promote the electoral campaign for one of the other candidates on the Mazzi list, i.e. for the true ‘shadow mayor’ of the municipal administration, as had already emerged during the previous legislature. This plausible reasoning of mine, certainly inherent to the profound displeasure I feel at this moment, but which certainly does not cloud my reason and which is undoubtedly dissonant from reality, convinces me more and more that the ‘plot’ against me had already been hatched and, today, in fact, it has effectively materialized. Moreover, in the collective imagination, which unfortunately takes on realistic characteristics, the ‘hidden’ and unwritten rule of You help me and I thank you, in my own way“.

“In recent days, I have had some meetings with the re-elected mayor in an attempt to understand the background and epilogue of the events – adds Giacomobono -, never to ‘beg’ for a position as councillor, and she informed me that, regarding what happened, she could do nothing about it, that she could not oppose the fact that that external councilor should enter the Municipality, proposing an alternative the subordinate position of councillor, receiving, moreover, in an improper and disproportionate manner, the request to hold the same powers already held in the past in my now former position as councilor. Considering the small scale of the request, in complete serenity and consistency with my way of being and doing, I rejected the contradictory and incongruous proposal of the first citizen and announced my resignation. Allow me to add, without any presumption, nor even any hesitation, that, although already amply demonstrated in the past in my previous political positions in this territory, as well as in my long and honored forty-year career in the Financial Police Corps, both in terms of ability and aptitude, I am also convinced that I have the right skills, or at least the necessary characteristics, to be able to calmly and consciously cover the budget department, without having to resort to an external figure”. And regarding the delegation to the Environment, also entrusted to the external councillor, “I like to highlight, with full knowledge of the facts – writes Giacomobono -, that in the other neighboring municipalities the councilors are certainly respectable people and equally available, but certainly not they are the personification of ‘geniuses’. Even the Municipality of Follo could do without ‘geniuses’, leaving instead, where it really wanted, room for political consolidation and experience”.
Concludes the former Follese councilor: “There is no point in denying, therefore, that what was perpetrated behind my back leaves me deeply dismayed and very saddened. I would never have thought of ending my administrative activity in the Municipality of Follo in this way, considering the fact that, six months before the elections, I had expressed the strong intention not to run again, convinced, instead, in an almost pleading manner by the mayor to continue the our political union, only to then, the day after the elections, be sidelined by the first citizen herself. Unfortunately, in life there is always someone smarter than others! To my fellow Follese citizens, I wish the best they deserve. Furthermore, I thank all the employees of the Municipality of Follo, who are always collaborative and available towards me”.

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