Isernia. Carabinieri helicopter searching for marijuana plantations

Today, on the outskirts of the city, an AB 412 MFD helicopter landed, belonging to the Carabinieri Helicopter Unit of the Carabinieri Aircraft Group of Pratica di Mare (RM). The Commander of the Operations Department and the Commanders of the Carabinieri Companies of Isernia, Venafro and Agnone boarded the helicopter. The objective of the mission was to carry out an aerial reconnaissance of the province’s territory, with the aim of monitoring and carrying out photographic surveys on some objectives of operational interest linked to ongoing Judicial Police activities.

During the reconnaissance, based on previous information collection, any illegal plantations of “cannabis indica” (marijuana) were searched for. This type of control is essential to combat the production and trafficking of narcotic substances, guaranteeing safety and respect for the law in the area.

Furthermore, the crew carried out an accurate fire prevention service, monitoring possible dangerous situations such as the presence of smoke, masses or piles of flammable material, as well as natural areas with particularly dry vegetation. This type of activity is essential to prevent and promptly manage any fires, especially in the summer months when the risk is greater.

The intervention of the “flying” crew proved to be very profitable and useful in accelerating and facilitating the in-depth analysis and documentation of the services ordinarily carried out. The presence on board of the commanders of the local companies allowed direct and immediate coordination, improving the effectiveness of operations and ensuring a timely response to the needs of the territory.

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