Pro Vita, the ‘Let’s choose life’ march in Rome – News

Pro Vita, the ‘Let’s choose life’ march in Rome – News
Pro Vita, the ‘Let’s choose life’ march in Rome – News

“We choose life. National demonstration for life”. It is the banner, carried among others by Simone Pillon and Massimo Gandolfini, which opens the Pro Vita & Famiglia demonstration in Rome together with a large group of children carrying pink and light blue balloons. The procession started from Piazza della Repubblica and will end in Via dei Fori Imperiali, near the Altare della Patria, after having traveled along Via Cavour. Families with children from all over Italy and 120 associations participate in the national event. According to what was learned from the police, there were approximately 3,000 participants. Many banners with the families’ place of origin and many flags with the event’s claim. There is also a train with people who have difficulty walking and younger children on board.

Video Pro Vita, images of the demonstration in Rome

“It is important to remind ourselves that after 6 million deaths due to abortion and law 194, now the time has come to say enough, let’s stop this unfair law, let’s return to giving importance to life”. So at ANSA Simone Pillon who is participating in the event. “Today in 2024 there are all the tools to prevent unwanted pregnancies and to help mothers in difficulty to have their baby. Let’s apply these tools and save human lives. Human life always counts – he continues – I don’t know if there are any political conditions to repeal today law 194, but it will certainly be cancelled. What we are building is a great return of people who shout yes to life and who build the social and political conditions so that this law is finally cancelled.”

“I came because if “We choose life”, I am for life. I had neither a summons nor a hesitation. When I was in Rome in similar situations I participated because I share the defense of the family, of parenting, of children. I it seems that the objectives are to be shared by everyone.” Thus to ANSA the president of the senators of Forza Italia, Maurizio Gasparri, during the demonstration in Rome “Let’s choose life”. Regarding the absence of the word abortion in the final document of the G7, “there was no obligation to insert it. In addition to that, many topics were not included. That topic had been discussed on a previous occasion and it is not that the documents reproduce all the issues are taken for granted”, he adds.

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