«Civic service paid 3.75 gross per hour. Ethically incorrect”

«Civic service paid 3.75 gross per hour. Ethically incorrect”
«Civic service paid 3.75 gross per hour. Ethically incorrect”

The municipal councilors Lanza and Petruzzelli express their deep concern for the economic situation faced by the municipality’s civic service operators:

“For too long, these operators who are fundamental to our community have continued to receive an economic contribution that does not adequately reflect the value and importance of their work.”

“In a historical moment characterized by growing inflation and the continuous increase in the cost of living, it is unacceptable that the municipal administration has not yet taken concrete measures to adjust the compensation of these operators, a need reiterated several times in the municipal council and in the works also by fellow centre-right councilors. The daily work of these citizens is essential to maintaining high levels of decorum and safety in our city”.

“We therefore strongly ask the Administration to intervene promptly to review and increase the economic contribution intended for civic service operators, so that it can be in line with the real needs of life and the work carried out. We firmly believe that a Municipality that respects must guarantee dignity and social equity with the right economic recognition to all its operators, especially to those who, with dedication, passion and sacrifice, take care of the common good amidst a thousand difficulties and with few rights. Our deep gratitude goes to them; We observe that many funds are spent far too lightly in financing city-related events.”

“At the moment, for this summer a large sum has already been allocated between the social sector and the cultural sector; priority could have been given to entire families who, with their commitment, dedicate time to community work. The hourly salary of €3, 75 gross intended for civic service workers is ethically unacceptable. We hope that the municipal administration responds promptly to this request of ours, demonstrating sensitivity and attention to the needs of citizens and civic service workers. We will continue to ensure that this problem is addressed with the urgency it deserves.”

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