Tourism and Environment with “Biodivera”: in Gravina di Puglia from 21 to 23 June

Tourism and Environment with “Biodivera”: in Gravina di Puglia from 21 to 23 June
Tourism and Environment with “Biodivera”: in Gravina di Puglia from 21 to 23 June

“Biodiversa” is preparing to cut the ribbon on its first edition, which will be held in Gravina in Puglia from 21 to 23 June. The national event will bring together Italian protected areas in the fair area to enhance and promote these extraordinary ecosystems, offering a program full of meetings, activities and experiences dedicated to nature. Explore, learn, taste: three key words characterize this first edition, where you can immerse yourself in a variety of landscapes, learn about their history, savor the genuine flavors and discover the activities that can be carried out within the parks.

After the announcement last May 24th on the European Parks Day, the presentation conference was held today in the Puglia Region, attended by the president of the Park Francesco Tarantini, the regional councilor for the Environment Serena Triggiani, the regional councilor Gianfranco Lopane for Tourism, the regional councilor for Agriculture Donato Pentassuglia and Fedele Lagreca, mayor of Gravina in Puglia.

“Biodiversa” is a stage for sharing between the protected areas of Italy. The three days represent an opportunity to address the crucial issues of environmental protection and sustainable development, through meetings with sector experts, representatives of institutions and operators involved in nature conservation. Illustrious speakers will take turns on stage to share experiences, good practices and strategies for park management, providing food for thought for a more aware and respectful future of the environment.

«With a rich and detailed program – declares the president of the Park Francesco Tarantini – we want to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the environment, enhancing the heritage preserved in the protected territories. The participation of experts, institutional representatives and sector operators aims to strengthen the collaboration network between Italian parks, providing valuable ideas for the future management of protected areas, with a view to sustainability. The invitation is not to miss the opportunity to participate, to immerse yourself in nature and share moments of culture, learning and fun in a unique context.»

Among the highlights, “Towards the General States of Protected Areas” aims at a constructive comparison between numerous national parks. The participation of guests such as the Undersecretary of State Sen. Claudio Barbaro, the president of ISPRA Stefano Laporta and the presidents of the protected areas will kick off a process that will culminate in the convocation of the States General of the Italian Parks.

An immersive journey to discover Italian nature, where biodiversity, culture and traditions intertwine. “Biodiversa” is an opportunity to discover the typical flavors of protected areas: show cooking and tastings will allow you to immerse yourself in the food and wine culture of the territories and savor the genuine products of the land. Experiential workshops await families to combine fun and learning, with targeted activities to develop sensitivity towards the environment. Concerts, exhibitions and shows will enliven the event with the participation of nationally renowned artists: a combination of art and nature to raise public awareness of the importance of parks. With the show “Il Cotto e il Crudo”, the comic duo Emilio Solfrizzi and Antonio Stornaiolo will take the stage on the opening evening, while on Saturday 22nd it will be the turn of Simona Molinari in concert, a pop-jazz artist who brings her eclectic talent to international stages.

«Biodiversa is not a simple review – commented the Councilor for the Environment, Serena Triggiani – but represents a very important moment to celebrate biodiversity and ecosystems in this particular historical moment in which the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems for future generations has assumed constitutional status. For our Region it is a further opportunity to support the Italian Government in the challenges of the near future represented by the need to provide the necessary contribution to achieving the community targets defined in the European strategy for biodiversity.»

«Through ‘Biodiversa’ – said Gianfranco Lopane, regional councilor for Tourism – we are opening a new valorisation path that puts parks at the center, to be protected and preserved, but at the same time made accessible to tourists and residents while respecting the cycles of nature . The tourist product linked to Sport, Nature and Wellbeing, in the name of slow and sustainable tourism, contributes to making Puglia even more attractive throughout the year. From this perspective, the synergy with the Department of the Environment and with the Alta Murgia Park Authority is particularly significant, giving strength to an activity which, I am sure, will go beyond these three days of meetings and will be able to represent a model of collaboration and winning organization.»

“Bioversa – The Italy of Parks tells its story” is promoted by the Alta Murgia National Park on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its establishment (10 March 2004), in collaboration with Federparchi, Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, ISPRA, Puglia Region and Pugliapromozione, Lazio Region and Municipality of Gravina in Puglia. Among the institutions and associations present in the exhibition area, the Forestry, Environmental and Agri-Food Unit Command of the Carabinieri, the General Command of the Port Authority Corps and the Italian Italian Club.

The program is available on the website

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