Torino continues to haggle over the million to give to Venezia to free Vanoli

Torino continues to haggle over the million to give to Venezia to free Vanoli
Torino continues to haggle over the million to give to Venezia to free Vanoli

Vagnati and Cairo

A million and there would have been no push and pull which has now become absurd. At this point It’s been said for days that today or tomorrow will be the good day for the announcement of Vanoli as the new coach of Torino and then promptly nothing. Venezia has every reason to refuse lower figures because there is a contract and a clause that must be respected. Torino may have done well to try to lower the figure, but it is unacceptable to carry on for so long: the figure they are making is terrible.

Bargaining for a sum that in the world of football is little more than pennies is not a test of strength but of weakness and even if in the end the Granata managers prevail over the orange-green ones it will not be a victory. One million has been paid for Masina’s ransom so why not do the same for Vanoli? What should the Granata players think who have a market and are courted by clubs who without problems offer them contracts much higher than one million? Why on earth should they stay if their current club tries not to pay what a contract requires and keeps the new coach at a standstill? These are not far-fetched questions, but legitimate questions, even more so than in past years we have seen many similar soap operas and there were footballers who could have made a difference but instead were not taken in order not to shell out a little more moneyjust think of Artem Dovbyk just to mention a name that is not by chance. And the consequence has been that Turin in recent years has not managed to grab a useful place to play in the European cupswhich would have increased its value and also its income and, above all, would not have kept it in the condition of any provincial one.

Perhaps, and the writer hopes so from the bottom of his heart, the long-awaited announcement will arrive a few moments after this article is published, but if it doesn’t happen, we will spend hours peeking on our phones to see if the time has finally arrived. Maybe Then what must Vanoli be thinking, certainly his adventure at Turin could have started better but at least Like this he will have seen it first hand before even starting what awaits him in the next few weeks when there will be soap operas to take some players and sell some others to raise cash.

Taurus doesn’t deserve all this.

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