Campobasso: The PD and the politics of “couplings”. Pino Ruta in danger?

In view of the run-off on 23-24 June, Nicola Lanza of Civil Action launched a frontal attack on the Democratic Party (PD), comparing it to praying mantis which devours its mates after mating. The metaphor used by Lanza is as powerful as it is worrying: “The The behavior of the mantis is known, it practices cannibalism and the female often tends to devour the male. It should also be said that in ancient times it was believed that the mantis heralded famine and misfortune for the animals she encountered.

Lanza goes on to state that, in Italy, the PD devours its allies with a “deadly embrace”. A strong accusation which is confirmed, according to him, in recent political dynamics at both a national and local level. “This happens to the M5S on a national and local level and it happens to all those who say they want to change everything,” claims Lanza, referring to the municipal elections in Campobasso. The accusation is clear: anyone who chooses to ally themselves with the PD is destined for a sad epilogue.

The central point of Lanza’s speech is the need for authentic political renewal, a path he describes as “made of tears and blood, of isolation, pain, fatigue”. The path to change, according to Civil Action, cannot be measured with easy consensus, but requires sacrifices and rigor.

Civil Action, led by Lanza, has chosen to maintain a hard and intransigent line, trying to build a solid alternative at both a national and regional level, in Molise. “People of good will will always find us on that line,” concludes Lanza, launching an appeal to those who want real and lasting change. The analogy with the praying mantis and the fierce criticism of the PD raise questions about the stability of political alliances and the future of figures like Pino Ruta.

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