“We won’t be there.” The left is divided over the street protests against the reforms

“We won’t be there.” The left is divided over the street protests against the reforms
“We won’t be there.” The left is divided over the street protests against the reforms

It was supposed to be the dress rehearsal for a new and unprecedented “very wide camp” of the centre-left: and instead (as usual) there will be many defections. On the demonstration against the reforms wanted by the Meloni government, the opposition split. Tomorrow in Rome, in Piazza Santi Apostoli, the anti-Autonomy and Premiership protest organized by the Democratic Party, the 5 Star Movement and the Green-Left Alliance will take place. An initiative born last Thursday not so much to highlight the contents of the two measures judged negatively by the left-wing parties, but rather to underline once again how “squadistic” (ipse dixit) was the reaction of those parliamentarians of the majority who attempted to hit the Grillino deputy Leonardo Donno after the latter had waved the Tricolor at the minister Roberto Calderoli.

In the wake of that (certainly regrettable) episode, the forces led by Schlein, Conte, Fratoianni and Bonelli immediately took advantage of it to exploit the entire debate on the package of constitutional reforms proposed by the centre-right national executive against which – there is to bet – the classic propaganda messages will be dedicated to put him on the same level as the fascist regime. Also because, in addition to the already mentioned Pd-M5s-Avs, the Acli, the CGIL, +Europa will also participate in the streets – with the secretary Riccardo Magi who will also be eager to rehash the bullying he suffered after his blitz in Albania during the presentation of the first reception center by Giorgia Meloni and Edi Rama – as well as the inevitable Anpiready for the call to arms”against these extreme and snarling right-wingers“authors of”continuous intimidation and provocations“.

However, Azione and Italia Viva were absent. The two parties of the former Third Pole have said it clearly: they will not take to the streets alongside the movements that gave rise to the so-called “Todde model”. In the square where Romano Prodi’s Ulivo received his blessing in 1996 there will therefore be no air of “red crowds”. Carlo Calenda he explained to Schlein that his representatives will remain in the Senate and the Chamber on Premiership and Autonomy respectively. “Now this battle must be fought in Parliament. When there is a referendum it will be necessary to bring it to the country – explained the former Minister of Economic Development -. Our concern is that the next few months will be spent talking only about this while wages, schools and healthcare continue to crumble“.

Less explicit however Matteo Renzi, but IV sources make it clear that the other centrist force will not join the protest either. In short, if tomorrow was an opportunity to visually relaunch a jumble that had only theantimelonism visceralwill be for another time.

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