Turtle rescued at sea and adopted by Ambiente Basso Molise – News

Turtle rescued at sea and adopted by Ambiente Basso Molise – News
Turtle rescued at sea and adopted by Ambiente Basso Molise – News

Having escaped death at sea, she ended up in the net of a fishing boat: rescued by fishermen she ended up in the Cetacean Center in Pescara for treatment and has now been adopted by Ambiente Basso Molise. She is ‘Gisa’, a sea turtle 68 cm long and approximately 12 years old.

Having undergone surgery to remove a hook in her esophagus, she is feeding with a tube and will return to the sea as soon as her rehabilitation is complete.

“We have adopted a Caretta caretta and we are happy about it, a simple and exciting gesture – declares the president of the Association Luigi Lucchese -, to continue to take care of a magnificent environment”.

It is an endangered species because it is strongly threatened by professional fishing, nautical traffic, pollution and plastic waste often ingested by these animals who mistake them for prey.”

Over the last ten years, thanks also to the commitment of some schools, Ambiente Basso Molise has adopted many and will continue to do so, because saving any animal, be it a plover or a turtle, helps to live better and counteract the loss of biodiversity . Adopting a Caretta caretta means making a fundamental investment for the future and not only is it good for everyone but it is also good for the environment.”

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