Pride Turin 2024: the route and what time the parade starts

Pride Turin 2024: the route and what time the parade starts
Pride Turin 2024: the route and what time the parade starts

The raised fist is the symbol of the fight, as explained by the illustrator of this edition’s poster Nicolò Canova. Then there is love, in all his expressions. And the opposition to the war «in support of every oppressed people, in favor of every unrecognized right».

In the post-election climate, the colorful procession of the Pride Turin. There departure It’s at 4.30pm from Corso Principe Eugenio. The path has changed: today the parade takes place in Corso San Martino, Via Cernaia, Via Pietro Micca, Piazza Castello, Viale I° Maggio, Viale dei Partigiani, Corso San Maurizio, along Po Luigi Cadorna. The stage is scheduled in Piazza Vittorio.

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«Rights that are not for everyone have another name: they are called privileges – is the rallying cry of the coordinator of Turin Pride Luca Minici — As we wrote on our manifesto, we are people who love and people who fight.” Maximum freedom on the street: «We will use all the forms that belong to us – is the promise – uncomfortable, joyful, noisy, fabulous and scandalous. We will scream loudly to make ourselves heard by every person and by institutions at every level, because this is Pride: a great act of affirmation, love and struggle.”

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The super guest of the stage in Piazza Vittorio is Michele Braviwinner ofOfficial Pride Party it will start at 8.30pm and will continue all night. The party takes place in the courtyards of the Switchboard and continues in the internal spaces of the venue.

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During the route and at the evening party at the switchboard are also provided “sensory release” points (quiet decompression areas), distribution of earplugs, accessible toilets. There are also discounts on tickets for those accompanying a person in need of assistance. In the arrival area of ​​the parade there will be an area dedicated to rapid testing for HIV And syphilis with dedicated healthcare personnel and there will be the distribution of information and prophylactic materials.

This year the Pride parade is preceded by controversy. For the first time the Aglietta association is not participating. The decision, they explain, was taken «to support the cry of alarm of the Jewish association queer Keshet Italia on the exclusionary attitude of the prides towards women Jewish people».

Not even +Europa Turin, Italia Viva Torino, the Marco Pannella Association of Turin, the Italy Israel Association, and the Piedmont Zionist Group will be present. «The choice – explains Lorenzo Cabulliese, coordinator of the Aglietta association – this year highlights the clear positioning of the Torino Pride Coordination which it does not mention or recognize solidarity to Jewish and Israeli LGBT people, and only includes Palestinians, making Jews feel unwelcome. And there is a lack of support for democracy and resistance Ukraine».

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