Odyssey for an orthopedic visit in the ASL Salerno clinics


Mario Polichetti, trade unionist of the provincial Uil Fpl and head of the Risk Pregnancy department at the Salerno hospital, has decided to bring to public attention the dramatic situation of the waiting lists for orthopedic visits in the ASL Salerno clinics.

“It’s an odyssey,” Polichetti begins. “The waiting lists are so clogged that if someone needs an urgent orthopedic visit, the quickest option is to go to Sapri on June 18th. But this means traveling 147 kilometers. A journey that involves absurd costs for a family who already cannot afford a private consultation. It is not acceptable that for a simple visit you have to face such inconveniences – he said – If you want to avoid Sapri, the alternatives are not much better , which is not really close, or we even need to wait until December 12th for an appointment in the Cava de’ Tirreni clinic. This is a system that doesn’t work.”

Polichetti does not limit himself to denouncing the problem, but proposes two concrete solutions to improve the situation:

“I appeal to the local health authority to create collaborations with affiliated clinics. We must drastically reduce these waiting lists. We cannot allow citizens to have to wait months or face long journeys to obtain a medical examination”. Then the invitation to the Salerno specialists. “Let’s come together to create a solidarity Cup. Each with their own skills and with the support of the numerous non-profit organizations present in our territory. By joining forces, we can offer a quick and effective solution to all those who need it. The health of our citizens must be the top priority. We cannot afford to leave people at the mercy of endless waiting lists or force them into exhausting and expensive journeys. It is our duty to find immediate solutions and work together to ensure equitable and timely access to medical care.” concluded Polichetti.

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