Young people from Fidas Vicenza: 40 gift influencers

Blood Donor Day. 40 gift influencers among the young people of Fidas Vicenza.

The president of Fidas VicenzaMariano Morbin: “We want to play the challenge for life in society with all the resources of generosity that we have at our disposal”

“Blood connects us all” is the theme chosen for the 2024 edition of World Blood Donor Day, which was also celebrated yesterday in the Vicenza area, where, in addition to the main monuments of the Municipalities being illuminated in red who joined the awareness initiative, an ambitious project was presented whose protagonists were the young people of Fidas Vicenza.

Fidas Vicenza

Young people from Fidas Vicenza
Young people from Fidas Vicenza

In fact, with the anniversary of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Day, Fidas Vicenza has decided to give life and make official an initiative that it considers truly important. “We involved 40 local groups – explains the president of Fidas Vicenza, Mariano Morbin – and within each of these a young man was identified. Young person who, by virtue of his aptitude and communication skills, will become an influencer of Fidas Vicenza for blood donation in the area. With how much initiative we propose, through our young people, to be able to raise awareness among peers and obtain a multiplier effect of generosity”.

The date of June 14 was chosen as the day of birth of Karl Landsteiner, discoverer of blood groups and co-discoverer of the Rhesus factor. “This day represents an opportunity to thank donors for their precious work and to spread the importance and value of voluntary, unpaid and periodic donation, with the aim of ensuring the quality, safety and availability of medical care.Young people from Fidas VicenzaYoung people from Fidas Vicenza

Transfusions of blood and its components – highlights President Morbin – allow millions of lives to be saved every year, contribute to guaranteeing a better quality of life for those suffering from chronic diseases and are essential for carrying out complex medical and surgical procedures”.

The slogan of the 2024 Day, “Share Life, Donate Blood”, made Fidas Vicenza reflect. Through youth coordination, yesterday afternoon he involved the city of Vicenza with interviews with passers-by in the historic center to test their knowledge of blood donations and the importance of this act of solidarity.

CUOA Business School

To crown the initiative, Fidas Vicenza will also seal the collaboration undertaken with CUOA Business School. To spread the importance of blood donation among the most attentive and sensitive managers. Companies need a social characterization. CUOA Business School, which has been involved in the development of entrepreneurial and managerial skills for almost 70 years, knows this well. Precisely for this reason it aims to train responsible managers capable of facing the most diverse challenges.

“Our challenge – concludes President Morbin – is that of life. We want to play in society, in which we are not extras, but active, generous and attentive protagonists, a leading role. Being a blood donor is a responsibility. But at the same time an opportunity to feel important and give back to others a bit of one’s luck and one’s healthy well-being.”

Vicenza, 15 June 2024

Matteo Crestani Journalist

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