Ce. Post shootings in Casal di Principe. The Diocese of Aversa joins the march on Monday 17 June

Ce. Post shootings in Casal di Principe. The Diocese of Aversa joins the march on Monday 17 June
Ce. Post shootings in Casal di Principe. The Diocese of Aversa joins the march on Monday 17 June

Article published on: 06/15/2024 09:26:25

This is the statement sent to us by the press office of the Diocese of Aversa: “The parish priests and priests of the Forania of Casal di Principe, together with the Bishop of the Diocese of Aversa, accepting – we read in the statement – the invitation of the Mayors of Casal di Principe, from San Cipriano d’Aversa and Casapesenna, join the demonstration which, in the form of a march, will affect the aforementioned municipalities on 17 June 2024. The ecclesial participation in this demonstration is based on what has already been written by the Priests of the same area pastoral at Christmas 1991, when with Don Peppino Diana they wanted to speak to the Christian community – continues the statement – and civil community of the territory then, and only “For the love of my people”, the Christian community still presents the heartfelt cry today: “We are worried”: worried because after years of relative tranquility, threatening gunshots have returned to ring out in the streets of our towns; worried about the development of a terrible increase in drug use and dealing; still worried about the absurd proliferation of suffocating forms of usury and extortion threats;

concerned about detecting a lack of consideration – continues the statement – of values ​​such as honesty, justice, truth and about the limited possibility of truly dignified work for young people. In the face of these and other consequent concerns, as Christians and pastors of the Church of Christ, in dialogue with civil institutions, we want to solicit the attention and sensitivity of all citizens so that we do not fall back into the dramatic errors, the sins that in the past decades have bloodied and polluted this wonderful land of ours. We would like to point out that if we are strongly interested in expressing our dissent to those who would like to return – we read again – to imposing an overbearing dominion over the city, we would never want to shout at someone an angry rejection of their presence, but rather offer them a heartfelt invitation to change their lifestyle. For this reason we feel we want to share with everyone the words that the Holy Father Francis addressed to our community on March 19, 2024, encouraging us to cultivate: “patiently the seed of justice and the dream of human and social development for your land”” .

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