false disability pension Il Tirreno

LUCCA. The newly elected mayor of Vagli, Mario Puglia, was sentenced to 3 years for fraud and to pay a provisional amount of 200 thousand euros to Inail and 100 thousand to INPS (total 300 thousand). This is the sentence read on Thursday 14 June by judge Giuseppe Pezzuti who accepted the request of prosecutor Antonio Mariotti.

Puglia was accused of fraud against the State in relation to the unduly received disability pension. According to the prosecution, those disability certificates would have been “fabricated” with typewriter adjustments. Disability motivated by a cognitive deficit and traumatic pathologies so significant as to create serious mental deterioration and balance disorders. Therefore, for the accusation, the de facto inability to carry out the role of mayor which requires full possession of intellectual and physical faculties. A thesis refuted by the former mayor’s lawyer, Professor Enrico Marzaduri, who in the long speech which lasted for over an hour had instead asked for full absolution for his client who, in his opinion, did not commit the crime . The reason? There are no elements to prove the simulative conduct of his client. Puglia, guardian of the Enel dam in Vagli in 1987 (from that date onwards there were no reports of accidents at work involving the custodians of Enel dams), had complained of three accidents at work in 36 months. Three decidedly singular accidents with physical consequences to the left leg after hitting a stone in the street, to the head after being hit by a fireplace chimney while passing under the house and a serious head injury after falling down a slope a height of five metres, when placing your foot on a parapet.

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