Olbia weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 14 June

The weather forecast for Friday 14 June in Olbia show variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning, sky with scattered clouds and cloud cover that varies between 40% and the 65%. Temperatures will remain around +18.8°C at 06:00 and they will go up to +26.9°C at 10:00. The wind will blow mainly from the West – South West with an intensity between 8.7km/h hey 12.5km/h.

In the afternoon, the sky will still be partly cloudy with cloud cover that will fluctuate between 42% and the 70%. Maximum temperatures will be around +26.1°C at 12:00 pm. The wind will continue to come from the East – North East with a speed between 10.8km/h hey 13km/h.

During the evening, the sky will clear of clouds, with cloud cover dropping to 0%. Temperatures will gradually drop, reaching i +17.1°C at 9pm. The wind will change direction, coming from the South West with a speed between 1.9km/h hey 4.8km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Friday 14 June in Olbia indicates a day with alternating clouds and sunny spells, pleasant temperatures and moderate intensity wind. For the next few days, weather conditions are expected to improve with clear skies and stable temperatures.

All the weather data for Friday 14 June in Olbia

Complete weather forecast for Olbia

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