Brawls and signs of the “tithe” in the Chamber. The Northern League member Iezzi tries to punch Donno (M5s), who falls and is rescued. “Kicked him when he was down”

Brawls and signs of the “tithe” in the Chamber. The Northern League member Iezzi tries to punch Donno (M5s), who falls and is rescued. “Kicked him when he was down”
Brawls and signs of the “tithe” in the Chamber. The Northern League member Iezzi tries to punch Donno (M5s), who falls and is rescued. “Kicked him when he was down”

Chaos in the Chamber of Deputies during the debate onDifferentiated autonomy. The M5s deputy Leonardo Donno he tried to deliver one flag of Italy to the minister Roberto Calderoli. A peaceful and certainly non-violent situation that the President of the Chamber Lorenzo Fontana had decided to sanction with expulsion. The violence came later. In fact, some right-wing parliamentarians started from the benches to attack the 5 star parliamentarian. In particular Igor Iezzi he attempted to overcome the barrier of shop assistants and parliamentarians by repeatedly trying to hit the Grillino deputy on the head. He missed his head but it is not clear whether there was contact anyway. In fact, a few seconds later Donno fell to the ground and was taken away by paramedics in a wheelchair. According to what was then written by the dem Andrea Orlando, he was “attacked and punched, and while he was on the ground being kicked by the deputies of the League and of the Brothers of Italy”. The group leader acquired the videos and the work was suspended until tomorrow morning, June 13th.

“A fact very serious And shameful – we read in a note from M5s -. We ask for serious and immediate measures against this act of real squadrism perpetrated within the institutions which tarnishes our democracy and qualifies those who carried it out”. “We have reached the point of violence from the benches of the Meloni majority” he comments Joseph With you. “They attacked our Leonardo Donno because he brought the tricolor to Minister Calderoli – he writes on social media -, because we say no to the secession of Italy signed Melons, Salvini And Tajani. He left the Chamber of Deputies on a stretcher. He keeps his hands off us, hands off our tricolor. You will not pass. Shame”. Talks about “squadism parliamentarian” Also Greens-Left Alliancewhile the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein he already says that “it is not possible to resume work in this climate of growing verbal and physical violence. It was there first the order to keep quiet to our deputy Clear Bragathen a deputy was expelled for doing so three times the gesture of Tithe Mas and finally the very violent physical attack with repeated punches against an M5S parliamentarian.”

Shortly before the president Lorenzo Fontana in fact he expelled a deputy from the League, Domenico Furgiuele who had made the sign of Tithe Mas aimed at the opposition. “TO X Factor did they do the X to say no, I can do what I want? – the Northern League member defended himself when speaking to reporters – If I want to put a vote on the ballot, can I make the X symbol? The provocation was responded to with a gesture that could not fail to be provocative, in a context in which the voice of the person singing was louder.” The Decima Mas sign would be made in response to the choir Hello beautiful of the oppositions.

For the leader of the League in Montecitorio Riccardo Molinari they are “parliamentary dynamics”. Second Federico Mollicone (Brothers of Italy) it’s enough that Donno wasn’t fully taken over. “It all started from a provocative and outrageous gesture of Donno, who tried to wrap the tricolor around Minister Calderoli – he says – At that point the brawl broke out but no one had the opportunity to get in touch with him because he was surrounded by parliamentary assistants. The hypothesis is that it is a drama throw yourself to the ground And fake illness“. The opinion of his party colleague is different Andrea De Bertoldi: “If an MP punches another MP, it means he’s a cog… regardless of who he is.”

Meanwhile, the video war has started on the Transatlantic between the deputies who immortalized the scene of the brawl. As reported by the Ansa agency, there are many groups of parliamentarians, each around cell phones filming the scenes and with biased comments. For those of the Brothers of Italy or the League, the brawl was triggered by the provocation of the 5 star deputy. For the opposition, however, there was no violence in the gesture. Furthermore, many dispute that Donno was really hit and some joke about the fact that in reality the grillino’s foul was “a simulation foul”.

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