Forza Italia Lamezia remembers Berlusconi one year after his death and reflects on the result of the European Championships

Forza Italia Lamezia remembers Berlusconi one year after his death and reflects on the result of the European Championships
Forza Italia Lamezia remembers Berlusconi one year after his death and reflects on the result of the European Championships

Lamezia Terme – On the anniversary of Silvio Berlusconi’s death, Forza Italia Lamezia reflects on the result of the European vote. This was the theme of a meeting of the Board of Directors, coordinated by the secretary Salvatore De Biase, in which councilors and numerous party members participated. It was reiterated, they said, “that the great result obtained in Italy by the parties that make up the centre-right is an impeccable fact. However, the bitter note is represented by the serious abstention, both in Italy and in the other countries of the Union. All parliamentary forces must work to bring citizens back to the polls, restoring their trust in institutions and politics. The positive data that emerged is that the majority parties achieved an extraordinary result in Italy, obtaining over 47% of the votes nationwide. Everywhere the results marked a failure for national governments, except in Italy, just over 22 months after the start of this Government. Forza Italia’s commitment is that Brussels will have to pursue peace, the de-bureaucratization of business support policies and a community management of the energy crisis that does not penalize any productive category. Forza Italia has always been committed to hot topics such as immigration, the family, the environment and artificial intelligence, which are at the center of its agenda. Without Europe and without NATO, Italy cannot weigh: we would be the small ones among the big ones. Forza Italia says yes to Europeanism and rejects those who say no to Europe, but then manages billions coming from it. Anti-Europeanists must be reminded that our companies, especially in the North, export thanks to Europe and, otherwise, would fail. In summary, after the European elections, it is certain that Forza Italia will govern with the European People’s Party”.

Occhiuto: “His teachings are the polar star to look at”

The president of the Region and deputy national secretary of Forza Italia, Occhiuto, also joins in the memory one year after Berlusconi’s death: “Despite the fact that a year has passed since his death, Silvio Berlusconi, with his values, with his love for ‘Italy and the freedom it has given us is still present in our way of acting and doing politics.” So Roberto Occhiuto. “At the European elections Forza Italia – he adds – demonstrated not only that it is growing, but that it represents a solid point of reference for Italians who recognize themselves in the moderate, democratic and liberal ideals in which Berlusconi has always believed. His political legacy is a people, a creed, a ruling class, led by the secretary Antonio Tajani, cohesive and of quality. For us who have the task of carrying forward his plan and the principles in which he believed, his teachings will always be the guiding star to look to.” .


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