Long live Corigliano-Rossano free?! Here we all know each other – AltriPagine

Long live Corigliano-Rossano free?! Here we all know each other – AltriPagine
Long live Corigliano-Rossano free?! Here we all know each other – AltriPagine

CORIGLIANO-ROSANO – «Long live Corigliano-Rossano free!»: so he concluded, shouting it once, twice, three and even more times, Flavio Stasi, confirmed mayor yesterday of Corigliano-Rossano with its civic lists and with the support of three centre-left parties.

A refrain not only his, but of all the candidates on his lists for the City Council and of all the followers and fans from the provincial sports field (those where the game often ends in spades both on the pitch and in the stands)crowded under his stage in the evening and crowded up during the rest of the day Facebook.

In the same field (Obviously)under the same stages and on the same social there were their enemies:

candidates, followers and fans of that Centre-Right which nominated the defeated regional councilor Pasqualina Straface for mayor, forced to defend themselves from the accusations of not being free to vote, but, on the contrary, under the blackmail of exploiters of needs (and therefore easy to agree on) and unscrupulous politicians borderline at the service of the ‘Ndrangheta. On purpose:

I’ve never seen an ‘Ndrangheta member who throws himself electorally with the losers, yes, because the ‘Ndrangheta members have a capacity for predicting, or rather persuading, electoral outcomes, far superior to that of all the others, including the «journalistic»the «people who write» or him «paid press articles»to quote, in order, Tonino Caracciolo said Pinqua, Frank Pacenza and Mayor Stasi himself.

The mafias, in fact, see in the public administrations of the Municipalities a door where they can enter without knocking, precisely through the climb into politics through candidates close to them and sometimes even intraneous.

Voting and corruption are often intertwined, since the deviance of administrative action becomes a bargaining chip for an electoral consensus based on specific interests.

It is known that in the Municipalities, during the electoral campaigns, all the candidates take action with their personal and party means to solicit, suggest and convince the voters to express votes in their favour, also in exchange for various recognitions, legitimate and illicit, where there is a personal acquaintance between candidates and voters.

And this allows candidates who have personally made requests to vote in exchange for advantages promised to voters, to be able to verify, at the end of the counting, in each electoral section, whether or not they have obtained the requested vote.

This phenomenon influences the voter.

Apart from the “exchange vote” – which is a crime punished by the criminal law and which derives from a promise, an agreement or even an oath between candidates and voters who have jointly stipulated a real pact – also the The candidate’s invitation to be voted on can easily be “verified” during the counting.

Even a mere acceptance of the invitation, expressed by the voter out of pure courtesy and then contradicted at the ballot box, still influences the voter.

Those in Corigliano-Rossano have been reporting for almost 25 years (and whoever reads those chronicles at the same time) he knows very well to what extent (very wide) his population is prone to those that Mayor Stasi defined from the stages of his electoral campaign «’mmasciate».

To what extent (wide) its population is prone to widespread crimewith apparently “respectable” citizens who often end up in trouble with the law for scams of various kinds (just think of the fake seasonal agricultural workers who systematically defraud the INPS in cahoots with agricultural entrepreneurs, trade unionists, ‘Ndrangheta supporters).

It’s still, to what extent (average) his population is “close” or organic to the ‘Ndrangheta under whose aegis or under whose control or under its hidden ownership various types of businesses operate which have constant economic relations with the municipal public administration.

So, can really “everyone” in that 65% of the population who re-elected Mayor Stasi shout the rubbish of the “free vote”?!

It’s still, really “everyone”, in the remaining 35% who voted for Straface, is a user of «’mmasciate» accomplices of exploiters of needs and easy consensus (easy, but scarce today) and unscrupulous politicians borderline at the service of the ‘Ndrangheta?!

I invite each and every one to a few minutes of reflection with themselves – rather than the immediate and instinctive gut comment on Facebook – And I close by quoting a dear friend of mine from Corigliano, already mentioned in my book ‘Ndrangheta (former) owner of 2012 on the dissolution of the extinct municipality of Corigliano Calabro due to mafia infiltration, when he lost the elections as a candidate for mayor right against Straface.

Aldo Algieri in that electoral campaign he said on the stages:

«Here we all know each other».

And it was the naked truth, undeniable yesterday as today, not one slogan vacant as «Long live Corigliano-Rossano free!». [email protected]

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