The two faces of the grillini, the main force of the center-left at a regional level but in drastic decline compared to the last rounds. Tridico super-rated

The two faces of the grillini, the main force of the center-left at a regional level but in drastic decline compared to the last rounds. Tridico super-rated
The two faces of the grillini, the main force of the center-left at a regional level but in drastic decline compared to the last rounds. Tridico super-rated

LAMEZIA TERME Joy and pain. The two faces of the 5 Star Movement. It is the first center-left party in Calabria but the good times of 2019 are now over. Despite a widespread electoral campaign, the five-star members are probably paying for the end of the effect of the citizen’s income, drastically emptied by the Meloni government, and the endemic difficulty of taking root in the territory: in the end, 26.7% of the European elections five years ago it is now prehistory but even the 29.4% of the 2022 Policies proves to be an unattainable and very distant precedent. The Calabrian figure for the 5 Star Movement speaks of 16.18%, the result of over 103 thousand votes, which is worth overtaking compared to a Democratic Party which is struggling at a regional level: this is one of the few reasons for satisfaction for the 5 Star Movement, in addition to the election of the leader practically imposed by Conte, the Scala Coeli economist and former president of the INPS, Pasquale Tridico, highly voted also in our region but not necessarily due to the commitment of the Calabrian pentastellati. Tridico’s name certainly acted as a driving force in the two Calabrian provinces in which the 5 Star Movement proved to be the leading party, those of Cosenza (21.02%, almost two percentage points more than Fratelli d’Italia) and Crotone (almost 21%, one and a half percentage points more than the Brothers of Italy), but for the rest the M5S marked the pace in the provinces of Catanzaro, Vibo and Reggio Calabria (fourth party, in some cases below the two digits). (approx)

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