European elections: plebiscite for Princi in Calabria. Lucan should also be elected

European elections: plebiscite for Princi in Calabria. Lucan should also be elected
European elections: plebiscite for Princi in Calabria. Lucan should also be elected

Among the candidates, General Vannacci did not make the cut, obtaining 8,136 votes compared to the 57,761 votes received by the League. The ballot – it should be specified – is still underway, but we can already talk about the exploit of the vice president of the Region, the Forzista Giusi Princi, who obtained 63,952 preferences, over half of those on the list, being by far the most voted in Calabria. The second in this ranking is Denis Nesci, outgoing FdI MEP, with over 28 thousand votes. Good personal result also for the former INPS president Pasquale Tridico (M5S) with 27,325 votes. Excellent result also for the former mayor of Riace and supporter of reception policies Domenico ‘Mimmo’ Lucano who reaches 22,616 votes. Good result for the president of the Calabrian regional council, the Northern League member Filippo Mancuso with 21,628 preferences, who, on the list, is followed by the parliamentarian Simona Loizzo with 15,388. In light of these results, in the southern constituency, Princi, Nesci, Tridico and Lucano should be elected.

“A historic result, which even exceeded our expectations. In fact, more than 80 thousand people from all over the South have put their trust in us – declares Giusi Princi – believing in this renewal project and in a hope that will certainly not be disregarded. I would like to thank two categories in particular: young people and the world I come from, the School. My thanks, however, go both to those who chose me by electing me and to those who chose me as a candidate. I therefore thank all of Forza Italia, especially the team from my region, Calabria, led by the Coordinator Francesco Cannizzaro and the President Roberto Occhiuto, for giving me the opportunity to represent Calabria and all of Southern Italy in Europe. My gratitude extends to each member of the Forza Italia Team: the local managers, the administrators, the mayors, the regional councilors, the fellow councilors, everyone really. Ours is a party that wants to place trust in merit, in skills, the emblem of a renewed credibility, branded Calabria.”

“This is a result that marks an unforgettable page of political history for the whole of Calabria. The merit – declares Francesco Cannizzaro – it is only of a large team, made up of militants, managers, administrators, mayors, regional councilors, councilors, productive forces, associations, movements, who have joined this new credible project. To all of them I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Together with President Roberto Occhiuto, pioneer of this radical change, we believed in it from the beginning, fielding one of the best resources that Calabria expresses to represent the whole team. Thanks therefore to all the Calabrians who with their vote for Giusi have renewed their trust in this great team that is Forza Italia Calabria. From today a new era begins for our land and for the entire South, with unparalleled prospects. In addition to the entire leadership group of the Party, I would like, finally, to thank our families, our collaborators and, in particular, my secretariat which, as mentioned on other occasions, has no equal in Italy.”

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