Regional Council of Puglia – New urban planning season, Amati: “Informative and training event today in Acquaviva delle Fonti”

No.: 1027 of 10/06/2024 08:53

Urban planning

New urban planning season, Amati: “Information and training event today in Acquaviva delle Fonti”

The president of the Regional Budget and Planning Commission Fabiano Amati will be a speaker today, Monday 10 June, in Acquaviva delle Fonti, at the public meeting entitled “New urban planning season: contents and objectives of the upcoming regional law”, which will take place in the Sala Colafemmina of Palazzo De Mari, starting from 3.30 pm.
The program, after the institutional greetings of the mayor of Acquaviva delle Fonti Marco Leoci, of the president of the Order of Architects of the Province of Bari, of the president of the Order of Engineers of the Province of Bari, of the president of the College of Surveyors of the Province of Bari, includes the interventions of the regional councilor Fabiano Amati, of the councilor delegated to Urban Planning of the Puglia Region Stefano Lacatena, of prof. Francesca Calace (associate professor of Urban Planning Poliba), of prof. Francesco Rotondo (president of INU Puglia) and the engineer. Nicola Cortone (manager of the Technical sector of the Municipality of Acquaviva delle Fonti). Moderated by Marcello Maria De Napoli, councilor for urban planning of the Municipality of Acquaviva delle Fonti.
The training event provides for the release of 4 training credits to architects registered with the OAPPC of Bari, 3 training credits to engineers registered with the OIBA of Bari, 3 training credits to surveyors registered with the CPGGL of Bari./press release

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