Choc in the Modena area, 12 year old sexually abused. The video ends up in chats

Choc in the Modena area, 12 year old sexually abused. The video ends up in chats
Choc in the Modena area, 12 year old sexually abused. The video ends up in chats

Harassment on one little girl only twelve years old, then the video of the abuse spread via chat: this horror would have occurred in the province of Modena, where investigators are currently working to try to shed light on the case. Since these are minors, the matter remains extremely confidential, even if it appears that the subjects involved have been identified.

The reconstruction

According to the information released so far by the local authorities, the terrible episode occurred last week, therefore at the beginning of June. The victim, a twelve-year-old girl, was apparently approached by two boys bus station of a municipality in the Modena area. The dynamics of the affair are still unclear, but it seems that in the end the minor was forced to suffer sexual abuse. One of her two young men would have taken advantage of her, while the other would have recorded everything about her in a film.

The video with the violence would then have been spread on social networks, via chat. A real trauma for the little girl, who was shocked by the terrible and atrocious episode. Luckily, the minor was able to talk to her family about what had happened to her and her parents immediately turned to the police and filed a complaint.

The investigations

After having collected the testimony of the victim, the flying squad of the Municipality in question immediately started investigations, aimed at reconstructing the exact dynamics of the affair and tracing the actual responsibilities of each of the boys. For now we are talking about two young people. In particular, the one who recorded the video of the violence would be under eighteen years old.

I am investigations very complicated, especially given the young age of the subjects involved.

Only a month ago, this time in Modena, a very similar case was recorded. Another girl, also twelve years old, was sexually abused by two boys older than her.

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