Elections: polling stations open today, Piedmont to vote for European, Regional and Municipal elections

Elections: polling stations open today, Piedmont to vote for European, Regional and Municipal elections
Elections: polling stations open today, Piedmont to vote for European, Regional and Municipal elections

At 3pm the polls will open for one of the densest and most important elections in recent years. Voting will take place over two days: today, Saturday 8th, from 3pm to 11pm and tomorrow, Sunday 9th from 7am to 11pm. Many Piedmontese voters will find themselves filling out three ballots in the booth: European (grey ballot), Regional (green ballot) and Municipal (blue tab).


In Piedmont there are 799 (out of 1180) municipalities called to renew the municipal council and elect the mayor. Most of these (781 out of 799) are municipalities under 15 thousand inhabitants and it will therefore not be necessary to go to a run-off. In the Eco del Chisone diffusion area there are three municipalities (Giaveno, Piossasco, Vinovo) which instead exceed the legal population of 15 thousand units and will vote with a double-round majority system. If none of the mayoral candidates manages to exceed the majority of votes, a second round of elections will therefore be necessary between the two most voted candidates which will be held on the weekend of Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th June.


For the Regional Elections the challenge is between five candidates: the center right appears united in support of the outgoing governor Alberto Cirio with the coalition made up of Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia (which also included the UDC and the Liberal Party), Noi Moderati and Cirio Presidente Civic List. The center left the Dem is nominating Gianna Pentenero with the coalition composed of the Democratic Party, the Green and Left Alliance, the United States of Europe, the Environmentalist and Solidarity Piedmont and the Pentenero Civic List. The attempt to build the large field failed Five Stars movement he presents himself alone as a candidate for regional councillor Sarah Di Sabato. There radical left Piedmontese candidate for regional councillor Francesca Frediani which presents itself with the Piemonte Popolare list (made up of Rifondazione Comunista, Potere al Popolo, Sinistra Anticapitalista, Manifesta and university collectives). The lawyer from Casale Monferrato closes the session Alberto Costanzo supported by Freedom Piedmontregional declination of the movement led at national level by the former mayor of Messina Cateno De Luca and composed of many acronyms (South calls North, Noi Popolo Unite, Great North, Movement for Italexit, People of the Family, Party Pensioners + Health, Free Life and Togetherness).


For the European elections which are based on a proportional electoral system, no alliances are envisaged: each party has presented its list and based on a complex calculation at national level which takes preferences into account it will send a number of its elected representatives to Brussels and Strasbourg . Italy, in total, has the right to 76 MEPs. Once elected they will position themselves in the various European parliamentary groups but it should be noted that there is no mandate constraint. There are seven Eurogroups in parliament: Left (left), Socialists and Democrats (centre left, group in which the Democratic Party is located), i Greens and Environmentalists, RenewEurope (of liberal extraction, a group that includes the Italian exponents of Azione and Italia Viva), the European People’s Party (moderate center right of which Forza Italia is part), the Conservatives and Reformists Group (right-wing and conservative, he is part of the Fratelli d’Italia and Giorgia Meloni is its resident) and Identity and Democracy (extreme right, the leader is Marin Le Pen, and Salvini’s League is part of it). The group of European parliamentarians who do not belong to any group, including the Italian representatives of the 5 Star Movement, closes the chamber.

For those who still want to find out more before going to the polls, we recommend reading our COMPLETE VOTING GUIDE where we explain in detail each preference system, the constituencies, the majority prizes and much more


The polls will close on Sunday at 11pm. The first ballots to be scrutinized will be those for the European Championships. The counting must finish by nightfall. The scrutineers will return to the polls on Monday at 2pm to continue counting the regional elections and, to follow, the municipal elections where they were held. The results should therefore be known and definitive during the night on Monday and Tuesday. L’Eco del Chisone will follow the results step by step with online news. In the issue on newsstands on Wednesday, all the results for each municipality will be published, accompanied by analysis of the vote and interviews with the protagonists of the electoral round.

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