«Made mistakes in good faith»

A month after the relegation, Mario Dimiccoli returns to speak. The honorary president of Barletta 1922 has released a long letter which we reproduce in its entirety.

To the red and white people,

I tried to do everything possible – and even more – to reverse the trend and avoid this bitter relegation on the field. I couldn’t do it! Even today I struggle to find plausible explanations. Mistakes were made in the choices and evaluations but it becomes difficult to identify the moment in which everything collapsed, without the possibility of appeal. What is certain is that I put my heart into it and I always acted in good faith.

Today the thing that matters most to me is to apologize to the many friends of Barletta – starting from the smallest ones – to the sponsors and to the city. I thank you for the support shown throughout the season and I apologize for having failed to meet your expectations and shattered our dreams. But I am sure that our history and the passion of the Biancorosso people will allow Barletta to return to the categories it deserves. For this reason, today the company’s priority is to present the repechage application, there are all the requirements to do so: no debts with private individuals; no disputes with suppliers; salary and contribution commitments in favor of members have been fulfilled. Obviously the decision will be up to the LND, but I want to reassure the public: “the request for repechage will be presented by SSD Barletta 1922 because we have all the requirements to do so”.

I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate a concept expressed on several occasions and at unsuspecting times. Barletta is not my “hostage”. In silence I cultivated every single negotiation and possibility, even the most unlikely, because Barletta – contrary to what some say – is an economically healthy and therefore attractive club. Finally, I extend heartfelt thanks to those who remained close to me despite everything.

My deepest gratitude goes to them, to my true friends. They may not be football professionals but they are respectable people in love with the red and white colours. Those who love sport have a duty to learn to accept defeats even if they can instantly erase all the good that has been achieved in the past! The titles won, the rediscovered enthusiasm, but above all a youth sector that is a protagonist at a regional level, an absolute guarantee for the future – we need to start again from all this. Barletta will redeem last season!
The entire square deserves it, the history of Barletta football deserves it. Because the warmth that this city is able to offer arouses affection and admiration. Thank you Barletta, you make me fall in love, enthuse, get sick, cry and suffer.
I probably could have done a lot more, but I tried and I always put my heart into it!

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