“The funds announced for disability are not new liquidity”

The “good news” announced by the Region in favor of serious and very serious disabilities would seem to be deflating. According to Family Caregiver Committee B1 and B2, who turned to the TAR against the regional resolution that cuts funding to families, the two million euros of additional resources announced last week would not be there.

In a note they denounce the situation: «The additional two million promised and advertised with much fanfare and necessary to postpone the cuts from 1 June to 1 August, in reality they are not new liquidity which Region adds to the programming, but funds that the ATS would already have available.

But what funds are we talking about, not even the resolution specifies as it only refers to “budget availability” for what concerns “social management”. And then the questions arise spontaneously:

Has the existence of these funds always been known and, despite this, have they not been used?

Therefore, every year around Christmas, we find ourselves with resolutions announcing cuts, and then now we discover that there are unused funds?

How much money are we talking about in total? Why did we wait six months to find a solution that seems very simple in the face of a very serious problem that has been worrying families for months?

Do all ATS have the same chance to respond in the same way in the next two months?

But above all the final question: To find the additional 8.5 million promised in the next adjustment budget, will a similar imaginative system be used? Perhaps with the same complicity of the associations mentioned in the resolution complete with the date of the meeting, which led to this umpteenth farce measure?

And if the feedback is not univocal, who will answer at that point, the Region or the individual Ats?

As far as we are concerned, the answer to all these questions can only be one: confusion reigns supreme and the decision to appeal to the TAR has more and more significance with each passing day.

In this regard we remind you that the crowdfunding campaign, reachable at this link https://gofund.me/f48d95bb which is receiving enormous support, continues and indeed takes on enormous value because it gives any citizen the opportunity to support a battle for social justice and equity that is not that of a niche of people, but it is and must become everyone’s battle.

“If we leave no future, we will have gone for nothing”».

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