Serie B – Myenergy Reggio Calabria: Lots of enthusiasm for Coach Giulio Cadeo

Serie B – Myenergy Reggio Calabria: Lots of enthusiasm for Coach Giulio Cadeo
Serie B – Myenergy Reggio Calabria: Lots of enthusiasm for Coach Giulio Cadeo

The “Italo Falcomatà” Chandelier Exhibition hosted the Press Conference presenting the new Coach of Myenergy Reggio Calabria, Giulio Cadeo.
Full room, enthusiastic and curious to hear the first words of the new coach from Reggio.
The morning, moderated by the journalist Giovanni Mafrici, included, first of all, the institutional greetings of the Metropolitan Councilor with Delegation for Sport, Giovanni Latella (who brought the greetings of the Mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà), of the President of the Fip Calabria Regional Committee the Lawyer Paolo Surace in front of a large black-orange audience.
First of June of good intentions and planning, ready to build a team that can fly high starting from the youth sector, eager to make an “imprinting” practical that can ensure that youth basketball colored in black and orange can grow in the local area and national.
The Lombard coach was serene, calm but absolutely determined. First of all he thanked him for the welcome he received: “Since I arrived, I have rarely found a welcome like this. I hope your thanks arrive later, when the results arrive. The results must also be the result of a style, a way of being, a shared identity that is recognisable. In the 90s and 2000s it was known that right from the warm-up “those boys were from Varese” “those were the red shoes from Milan” This thing has been lost today and must be found again. The possibility of also coaching the youth sector is mine, I always have, it is a great responsibility of the first team players who will have to be a symbol and example for our kids from Minibasketball onwards. I met the local staff and coaches and we immediately found great harmony. It is an honor to be here in this historical moment, there is a great objective, I won’t say a rebirth, because this company has already done a lot in a short time, but there are certainly fundamental objectives. We are both, Myenergy and I, looking for emotions, because without them everything becomes dull and sad.”

General Manager Fortunato Vita had already known the new coach for some time and his speech served as a “hat tip” to Coach Cadeo’s words:

“I thank President Laganà for the opportunity to test myself and build something important. This opportunity arises from the experience gained in the National Basketball League which increased my technical knowledge to bring to the club. These months have helped me analyze the situation. Having concluded this historic season with the first round of the Playoffs, we now have to plan for the next few years and create stability from a corporate point of view. We need corporate stability with a medium-long term plan and vision. We are not just thinking about the first team, we will certainly set up an important team, but we want to re-establish the youth sector to create a highly competitive environment.
We have known each other for a long time with Coach Cadeo and I appreciate how he works with the young people and the technical staff. From now on in 3 years we want to cover all youth categories with presence and quality. I am sure that with coach Giulio Cadeo we will achieve results from a human and sporting point of view.”

Words full of content, the words of the president of the neroarancio association, Dr. Carmelo Laganà, who declared: “Pianeta Viola, PalaPentimele, are concrete facts and for this I thank the Municipal Administration, present today with Councilor Latella who has always been close to us and whom I thank publicly. We hope that the PalaCalafiore, in the midst of a restyling, will be ready by September. La Viola is present for both PalaCalafiore and Pianeta Viola, once the tender has been announced we will make our proposal, we are available to manage the entire structure, this makes us understand the solidity of the company that is being built and which is always becoming more economically sound. The Viola, in a year of transition like last year, operated carefully but brought back to Pentimele the audience that this city deserves as far as basketball is concerned. Thanks to coach Federico Cigarini who managed with enthusiasm and basketball skills to bring back the public and the results we were aiming for.
In 5 years this company needed a path to convince cities and entrepreneurs, in a transparent way, without falling into the abyss of relegations and failures. It was necessary years to gain trust in a distrustful world which in the last 10 years had suffered bitterness and disappointments. Today we start again with what was our goal and with a top figure. He thrilled me from the first moment of our meetings, always ready and available in conversations, with the calmness we needed. Coach Cadeo knows how to invest in young people, this company will invest in young people and in the future. Coach Giulio Cadeo is the most suitable person for our path.”

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