bookstores against violence against women

Refuge means protection, defense; it also means a network of people who offer shelter to those who are looking for shelter. Even a bookshop can be all this, in a way that is not only symbolic but also very concrete, with booksellers to become a point of reference for victims of violence, support for women in difficulty.

Over 40 bookstores throughout Italy

The Settenove publishing house – founded 11 years ago with the mission of preventing, through the voice of books, gender violence, but also of offering new languages ​​without stereotypes and of promoting respect for rights – has in fact created a project aimed at creating a informal territorial anti-violence network that can also actively include bookshops. Its name is Rifugi, with people able to offer information and support to women in temporary difficulty. Over 40 bookstores across Italy took part in its first edition, which started at the end of 2023, including the Bolognese Giannino Stoppani, and the second edition will start from 10 June: around eighty national businesses have already applied of participation. It’s nice to think of this project as a way to «amplify the content of books, to strengthen the shelf of a bookshop – underlined Silvana Sola of Giannino Stoppani – but also the opportunity to reflect on the social and political role of a bookshop”, because taking a stand and acting to protect women is more than ever a “political gesture far from politics in the strict sense” but close to people’s lives, Sola continued.

The meetings

To become a refuge, simply sign up and take part in the free courses organized by Settenove in collaboration with the Percorso Donna association, Emme Promozione and with the involvement of professionals and operators involved in the protection of women’s rights, in the fight against gender violence or inside the anti-violence centres: the path already tested in 2023 will be indicatively proposed again, with meetings dedicated «to the recognition of gender stereotypes, of forms of discrimination and physical, psychological but also implicit violence – explained the founder of Settenove, Monica Martinelli -, that is, that which occurs through everyday gestures and which we are almost unaware of. Then there is a more practical and active part, which consists in providing booksellers with concrete tools to provide support in the event that women who are victims of violence frequent the bookshop and to recognize the signs of the violence itself. Furthermore, information on the functioning of the territorial anti-violence network and on the telephone numbers to contact in case of need”. During this year’s training course there will also be the contribution of Differenza Donna, the association that founded and manages the number 1522 and DiRe – Women in the network against violence; but, in addition to its support, there will also be the patronage of the European Parliament.

Collaboration with the Women’s House

The Rifugio bookshops, identified with a red coupon at the entrance, have the possibility of being recognized as protection facilities, as safe places, but also the opportunity to find in this project an additional opportunity for collaboration with anti-violence centers. «We have been collaborating with the Women’s House for some time to avoid suffering violence – added Sola –, for example for their annual festival», and this, like all other opportunities for collaboration, is a way to ensure the protection of women against gender violence is «a custom – he continued –. The fight against violence cannot be an occasional topic, to talk about perhaps during dedicated days, but it must become a habit that the Refuges project can help to create. It is already a step in this direction to be asked the meaning of that coupon on the door that says Refuges. Refuges that would be nice to see multiply.”

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