Research and agro-industry, Parma protagonist in Europe

The entire Parma system becomes even stronger and more important with regard to international studies, with participation in the Delisoil project, which preserve soil consumption, waste from food production, reuse and quality of food through the well-being of the soil and much other. Yesterday’s meeting at the Chamber of Commerce was the first of the body founded by the European Union in 2023 to bring together the majority of partners and begin to experience first-hand everything that revolves around the world of food. There are 14 European partners in Delisoil, of which two are Italian: Enea and Cinsa (National Inter-university Consortium for Environmental Sciences), of which the University of Parma is part, with Nelson Marmiroli from Parma as director.

Delisoil is based on European funds. The project was in fact created directly by the European Union and financed with 7 million euros, of which 1.6 million went to Italy.
Yesterday the regional working group was formed whose task is to bring the importance of the soil, and its well-being, to the center of European policies. «The institutions participating in Delisoil – says Professor Marmiroli – include food but also industrial institutions: the processors, the Agricultural Consortium, the Phytosanitary Consortium, the Industrial Tomato Organization, Agugiaro&Figna, Davines, KilometroVerde and many others. The aim is to raise awareness of each other’s skills and abilities and the sustainability of agri-food production. My slogan: “The soil is where the food is born”. If it is born on a sick basis, you will not be able to have good food.”
The director of the Upi Cesare Azzali underlines that «our association has within itself both a series of companies in the transformation of agricultural products and in the creation of technologies for the transformation of raw materials into food. Interesting is the project that connects the food supply chain with an innovative method for the recovery of supply chain by-products so as to obtain new useful elements for reconstituting soil fertility in the context of an economic transformation that aims to contain waste in a population increasingly growing. Another important element: it allows the creation of a dialogue between people, cultures and territories, different production and organizational methods, a great merit that must be recognized by the European Union which builds integration between the various economies”.
«As the Emilia Chamber of Commerce – states president Stefano Landi – we are not directly involved but we want to contribute to the knowledge of the project both for current events and for the supply chain, one of the great drivers of our economy. The project aims to exploit food processing by-products in sustainable soil improvers, in substances capable of modifying and enhancing the chemical, physical, biological and mechanical characteristics of a soil while maintaining soil fertility”.

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