The study that definitively undermines the Dems: those who vote for the Democratic Party prefer Meloni to Schlein

The study that definitively undermines the Dems: those who vote for the Democratic Party prefer Meloni to Schlein
The study that definitively undermines the Dems: those who vote for the Democratic Party prefer Meloni to Schlein

Less than two weeks before the European vote, Elly Schlein and comrades have to deal with their electorate, both disappointed and confused by the latest “wide field” policies. The study carried out by the Institute makes the situation, already complicated in itself, worse Luiss Italian Center for Electoral Studies: a freezing shower which, in addition to reducing the European political ambitions of the Dem secretary, reveals once and for all the poor leadership that has characterized Schlein’s mandate so far.

For the voters of the Democratic Party, in fact, according to the survey conducted by Luiss, the prime minister Giorgia Meloni she is a stronger leader than Elly Schlein. This is confirmed by the 59% of Dem respondents against only 45%. But not only. Again according to the voters of the Democratic Party, the Democratic secretary is even surpassed by Giuseppe Conte, leader of the 5 Star Movement and, apparently, the only true leader of the local left. The five-star number one is considered more credible and stronger than Schlein since 54% of the Democratic respondents. A worrying orientation for the young dem leader who finds confirmation with respect to the future leadership of the gauche Italian.

If ever the “wide field” with the Democratic Party and the Five Star Movement should become reality in the next political elections, is the question posed by the study, who should it be led by? The answer is clear: Giuseppe Conte. The former people’s lawyer prevails over the secretary Piddina even among voters who define themselves as left-wing (32.9% against 22.6%), among those who call themselves centre-left (36.4% against 18%) and in overwhelmingly among those in the center (47.3% against just 3.8%). If we then look at the table with the separate results by electorate of the individual parties, perhaps an even more emblematic figure emerges: only the 36.4% of Democratic Party voters would like Schlein to lead the coalition, with a significant share (15.6%) preferring former Prime Minister Conte instead.

A total debacle for Elly Schlein and her magic circle which perfectly reflects voters’ opinions on political leaders. The most consolidated leadership, according to the study signed by Luiss, is without a shadow of a doubt that of the prime minister (72%), followed at a distance by Conte with 45.2% and by the number one of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani with 38.4%.

The Northern League leader does not get on the podium Matteo Salvini And Matteo Renzi, number one on Italia Viva. But even more serious is Elly Schlein’s position. Last, in terms of leadership strength, is the PD secretary perceived: only 23.8% of those interviewed consider her the strongest leader.

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