Victory for Iveco CUS Torino Rugby on Prato and it’s the final!

Victory for Iveco CUS Torino Rugby on Prato and it’s the final!
Victory for Iveco CUS Torino Rugby on Prato and it’s the final!

Iveco CUS Torino Rugby overturns the result of the first leg and proudly wins the final. The men’s Serie A team defeated the Cavalieri Union Rugby 29-6 in the second leg of the promotion playoffs for the Serie A Elite championship at Albonico, dressed to the nines with cheers for special occasions.

The words of the Cussino President Riccardo D’Elicio: “these guys are the pride of the club and of CUS Torino. This moment will remain in history but the boys and staff must enjoy it to the hilt, until the last minute of the final because it will remain in time. So thank you all for what you have done so far. Naturally as a sports manager I don’t like losing, so full speed ahead towards the final”.

These are the words of coach Lucas D’Angelo at the end of the race: “we worked all week with the conviction that we weren’t the same as the last match, because we hadn’t played a match like this all season. We used the experience we had in the last match to prepare for this week and today’s performance. Also thanks to the very young age of our boys, it was very important for them to experience a moment like last week’s and transform it into something as beautiful as today’s match, for our entire club. For us, playing the final is a pride, it’s what the 36 teams would have liked to do and only two of us get to play it; we play every match to give our best and we will do so again next Saturday against Lazio. We will believe in it all the way and we will try to bring it home, we know how to play in finals”.

The words of the General Manager of Iveco CUS Torino Rugby Salvatore Fusco: “the company will be close to all the guys and staff who did this extraordinary job. Even the energies will be adequate to what they have done, this is not a point of arrival but a point of their journey. After last season, a path was rebuilt with new AGON scholarship holders and with the historic group of those who have been at CUS for years, so we didn’t expect to already be able to play in a final for the Elite. We accelerated the process but if we deserve it it is right to have reached the final.”

So meet next Saturday in Florence (time yet to be defined) for the final of the promotion playoffs for the Serie A Elite championship between Iveco CUS Torino Rugby and Lazio Rugby.

Serie A, second leg semi-final, promotion play-off

Grugliasco, “Campo Angelo Albonico”, 26 May 2024
Iveco CUS Torino Rugby v Cavalieri Union Rugby Prato Sesto 29-6 (19-6)
Markers: pt: 3′ m. Reeves E. tr. Torres (7-0), 26′ of the match. Puglia (7-3), 32′ m. Caputo nt. (12-3), 36′ cp. Puglia (12-6), 36’m. Groza tr. Torres (19-6); st: 58′ m. Torres tr Torres (26-6), 78′ cp. Zanatta (29-6)
Iveco CUS Torino Rugby: Imberti, Monfrino (52′ Telloni), Torres, Groza, Civita, Reeves E., Malavasi (59′ Zanatta), Quaglia (C), Mastrodomenico (28′ Pedicini, 71′ Roncon), Piacenza, Ursache (59′ Ciotoli), Andreica, Barbotti (59′ Liguori), Caputo, Valleise (47′ Cataldi). Available: Solano

All.: D’Angelo
Cavalieri Union: Puglia, Fattori (51′ Reali), Marioni, Pancini, Pesci, Magni, Renzoni, Morelli, Righini (51′ Fondi), Zucconi, Casciello (56′ Dalla Porta), Ciampolini (68′ Mardegan), Pesucci, Di Leo, Rudalli (66′ Sansone)
Available: Calizzano, Dardi, Marzucchi
All.: Church
Arb: Filippo Vinci from Rovigo
Players: Torres (CUS Torino) 3/4, Zanatta (CUS Torino) 1/1, Puglia (Cavalieri Union) 2/2
Notes: hot day, pitch in perfect condition, approximately 1000 spectators
Player of the match: Andrei Bogdan Andreica (CUS Turin)

Ph: Alessandra Medda

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