Nightlife in the center of Caserta, residents on a war footing: «Chaos out of control»

Nightlife in the center of Caserta, residents on a war footing: «Chaos out of control»
Nightlife in the center of Caserta, residents on a war footing: «Chaos out of control»

They report a new one weekend Of nocturnal inconveniences the residents of Old Town of the capital grappling with the problems arising from nightlife which, especially at the end of the checks arranged by the Prefecture, promptly ends up out of control. The first problem remains that of shouts and of music which, obsessively, comes from the little bars of via Ferrante, via Maielli, via Sant’Agostino, via Sant’Antida and largo San Sebastiano.

Regardless of the rules and administration times, the “evening” continues until the early hours of the following morning. A problem which also adds to that of sanitation management of the phenomenon. Isvec employees are punctual in collecting nightlife waste, especially plastic and paper, but the problem witnessed by the city liveability committee mainly concerns the behavior of nightlife users, in particular young people.

«This weekend again the situation got out of control at the end of the scheduled check times. The most disheartening thing is the problem of the unpreparedness of city ​​commercial sector to the nocturnal invasion.

Each room is more or less large, twenty square meters and the toilets are insufficient for the thousands of people who are on the street. The result – he explains Rosi Di Costanzo – is that from our balconies, at all hours of the evening and night, we are forced to see boys standing urinating near the walls and girls squatting and covered, at best, by their friends. I wonder if they have a habit, even at home, of urinating on the walls and, above all, what theadministration intends to do to resolve this problem. Sweeping in the morning does not guarantee the removal of the stench which is disheartening, especially now that summer is approaching and residents are demanding to sleep with the windows open.

This – he continues – is allowed by the inefficiency of our institutions which, first of all, forget the importance of decorum and of liveability. AND unseemlyit seems to be in one favelas of the third world and not a stone’s throw from a UNESCO monument that should be protected in the interest of all humanity. If we allow all this and do not educate respect for others and the territory – concludes the president of city ​​liveability committee – how can we be surprised by the graffiti that appears on monuments?”.

In terms of public order in the city, it was the president of the city liveability committee herself who reported the new sanctions that the commander of the local police Antonio Piricelli proposed to be adopted by the municipal administration. A crackdown with fines, for premises that fail to comply with the rules on noise pollution and opening hours, between 154 and 1,032 euros (as required by article 7 bis of the consolidated law on public safety). The new rules are also aggravated by the progressive increase in closing days imposed on fined premises (from 5 for the first fine to 80 for the sixth with intermediate brackets of 15, 30 and 60 days.

«The Commander’s proposal is useful for tackling the degenerations of the Movida but now it is up to the administration to follow up and adopt the ordinance» underlines By Costanzo. More than political will, at this moment, what affects the dynamics of the administration is the technical-regulatory guarantee that the new rules cannot be attacked in court. In the case of fines, we do not want to create opportunities to open disputes with the Regional Administrative Court, the outcome of which would be unpredictable and could result in further burdens for the organisation.

Even the majority city councilors who defend the councilor’s decision are convinced of this Emiliano Casale to thoroughly evaluate the proposed ordinance. However, the principle adopted by Commander Piricelli is correct, as the councilor claims Giovanni Lombardi elected from the “Moderates-Together for Caserta” list: «In the presence of recidivism, it seems right to me that there should be an increase in sanctions for the operators.

I cannot say from a technical-legal point of view whether it is possible to apply the 6-tier scheme or whether this should not be revised. The issue – claims Lombardi – is delicate. Our intent is to stop everything that is against the rules of the Municipality and common sense and every measure will have to be evaluated to avoid appeals which would risk nullifying the work done so far” concludes the representative of the majority.


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