“Autonomy unmasks De Luca’s inabilities”

“Autonomy unmasks De Luca’s inabilities”
“Autonomy unmasks De Luca’s inabilities”

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Stoltenberg either retracts or apologizes or resigns“. Thus the secretary of the League Matteo Salvini in Naples for an electoral appointment he returns to the declarations of the general secretary of NATO on the possibility of authorisation Ukraine to use the weapons supplied by the Alliance on Russian territory. “Why to talk about war – he adds – to talk about using the Italian bombs or missiles or weapons that we sent to Ukraine to defend itself on its territory instead to fight, strike and kill outside its territory, you can do it not in my name, not in the name of the League, not in name of the Italian people”.

Therefore we must defend the attacked Ukraine – Salvini’s position – and we’ve been doing it since minute one, but we’re not at war with anyone. I don’t want to leave the Third World War upon my children, so NATO cannot force us to kill in Russia nor can anyone force us to send Italian soldiers to fight or die in Ukraine. It’s one thing to defend, it’s another thing to kill. So – concludes the leader of the League – absolutely never in life and therefore this gentleman either apologizes or rectifies or resigns.”

MELONS –The dialogue between Giorgia Meloni and Marine Le Pen’s French right is welcome.”. Matteo Salvini is convinced of this, who spoke about it in Naples on the sidelines of an electoral appointment.
I have been working for a united center-right for years – said the leader of the League – I think Le Pen is a great woman, a great friend and the future of France and Europe. If now others also come to recognize Marine Le Pen as the future of France and of Europe, I am sorry that even today there is someone in the center-right who prefers Macron to Le Pen, the left to the League. I hope – concluded Salvini – in a united center-right also in Europe”.

Giorgia Meloni is an excellent prime minister, she knows how and when to comment, I, who am deputy prime minister and secretary of the League, when someone even in my name, that of my son and of the Italians talks about war, weapons to kill and bomb in Russia and a war is invented every day, I say no, NATO is a defensive alliance”.
Thus Matteo Salvini to those who asked him if he expected a position from the prime minister after the statement by NATO secretary Jens Stoltenberg, in favor of the possibility of removing the ban on hitting Russian targets with NATO weapons.

REGIONALThe Regionals are a wonderful challenge, De Luca has done his thing in Campania, the centre-right must be united and choose united, we have divided ourselves in the past, we have argued, we have not believed in it, a new season can open for Naples and Campania , a new renaissance, the League will finally be there for the first time to govern the splendid land of Campania, as in other Italian regions”. League leader Matteo Salvini said this in Naples while responding to journalists regarding the choice of the future center-right gubernatorial candidate in Campania yesterday claimed by both Forza Italia and FdI.

What broke out in Piedmont is a case “which does not concern the League, Cirio is a great governor, he has the full support of the League and if anyone thinks differently it does so on a personal basis.” Thus the secretary of the League Matteo Salvini on the sidelines of the presentation of his book “Controvento” underway in Naples regarding the case of the two Piedmontese Northern League candidates who invited a split vote favoring the Grillina gubernatorial candidate.
I think – Salvini told reporters – that Cirio and the centre-right will win with more than twenty points behind in Piedmont. The vote for the M5s in Naples, Turin, Milan or Palermo is a vote that takes us back to the past, but I look to the future.”

TAJANI – I don’t understand why the center-right in Europe should be divided. I don’t understand why some centre-right exponents, who have also been in Naples in the last few hours, say they don’t want to deal with Le Pen and prefer to govern with the socialists”. Thus the leader of the League Matteo Salvini on the question of political relations in Europe, referring without mentioning him to the Italian leader Antonio Tajani who was in the Campania capital yesterday.

AUTONOMY – Autonomy is foreseen in the Constitution, I will give a copy to my colleague Schlein who says that it is against the Constitution, her colleagues put it there, she must make peace with herself”. Thus the leader of the League Matteo Salvini on the sidelines of an electoral commitment in Naples responds to the secretary of the Democratic Party, who yesterday took part in the CGIL march against the differentiated autonomy project. But Salvini also has feelings for the governor of Campania DeLuca.
Autonomy means governing better and wasting less, I understand De Luca – He says – who doesn’t want it, so finally his mask falls off, if things don’t work in Naples and Campania, if he has problems with schools, healthcare, infrastructures it’s not the fault of autonomy but of his inability to govern”.

PHLEGREAN FIELDS – I would work to make homes safe, not to make people leave. Then it is clear that in the Housing Plan, which will also have a second tranche, there will also be an intervention on safety and insurance and that will be fundamental”. Thus the leader of the League Matteo Salvini responded to those who asked him for an opinion on the recent statements by Minister Musumeci on bradyseism at the Campi Flegrei.
As for the possibility of resorting to the earthquake bonus, Salvini said: “I understand the difficulties of the displaced – he said – it is not my delegation, I am responsible for what I can do directly. I will ask my fellow ministers who have the competence to hurry.”

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