Shock in Palermo: the husband of MEP Francesca Donato found dead

Palermo in shock after the discovery of the lifeless body of Honored Angel, husband of the Christian Democrat MEP Francesca Donato. The man’s body was found inside his car, in the area of ​​via Ugo La Malfa, not far from viale Regione Siciliana. Investigations by the police have already started.

They killed my husband Angelo“, and everything that Francesca Donato, deputy secretary of the Christian Democracy, she would have managed to tell some of her friends, who would have called her immediately after the news spread to confirm that the Honored Angel found dead was indeed their acquaintance.

What we know so far

Architect and owner of two furniture shops, Angelo Onorato is romantically linked to MEP Francesca Donato, a former League member who ran for mayor of Palermo in 2022.

According to some rumours, this morning Donato was looking for her spouse on the phone, but despite calls and messages she was unable to get an answer. Hence the decision to look for him, locating her cell phone with GPS. Then, unfortunately, the tragic discovery. Around 2.00 pm, Francesca Donato, together with Daughterfound the tragic discovery made.

Angelo Onorato lay lifeless inside his car, one Green Range Rover, in via Ugo La Malfa, along the slip road that runs parallel to the Palermo-Mazara del Vallo motorway, towards Trapani. The body was lying on the driver’s seat and had the seat belt fastened, while the rear door of the car was open. The man apparently had an electrician’s zip tie tied around his neck. It is therefore believed that death was inflicted by strangulation. According to investigators, someone may have entered the back of the SUV, attacking Onorato. It’s hard to believe it was suicide. The hypothesis followed is that of murder.

At the scene of the discovery there are the Carabinieri and the agents of the flying squad, led by Marco Basile. The coroner and the deputy prosecutor on duty also reached the street where the body was discovered. Apparently this morning the man had appointment with someone. The body has not yet been moved from the car, to allow the forensic police men to carry out investigations.

“It was 3.15pm, there were two women who they shouted next to the open car door and I approached: he had blood on his chest and a zip tie around his neck. He was a very good person, very sweet, I worked with him a few times”, he told theAct a witness.

Friends, relatives and acquaintances of Onorato and Donato reached the place where they were found. Everyone said they were shocked.“It’s something that took us by surprise, we are in disbelief“he declared toAdnkronos the regional councilor for the Family, Nuccia Albano.

The marriage with Francesca Donato

The man had been married for some time to Francesca Donato, MEP since 1 July 2019. The two had joined together in marriage in 1999 and they had two children: Salvatore, born in 1999, and Caterina, born in 2003.

The League’s dismay

“The news of the death of Angelo Onorato, husband of my colleague Francesca Donato, shocks me.

I express my deepest condolences and our closeness to Francesca, her children and all her family members affected by this tragedy.”commented Annalisa TardinoMEP of the Salvini Premier League and the ID Group, as reported by the news agencies.

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