The present and future of work between demographic crisis and ecological transition

The present and future of work between demographic crisis and ecological transition
The present and future of work between demographic crisis and ecological transition

On Monday 27 May at 5.30 pm in the Boarding Hall of the Consorzio Factory Grisù (via Poledrelli, 21) there will be a discussion on work in Ferrara organized by the list La Comune di Ferrara, which supports the mayoral candidate Anna Zonari.

The speakers are Gaetano Sateriale, head of Cers (Sustainable Emilia Romagna Coordination) and Giuliano Guietti, president of Ires Emilia Romagna (Economic and Social Research Institute). The candidates of La Comune Francesca Chiaramonte and Marcella Ravaglia spoke with them; Sergio Golinelli, provincial secretary of the Italian Left, candidate on the La Comune di Ferrara list, coordinates the meeting.

“The potential of Ferrara, starting from its century-old cultural tradition, its prestigious University and its many excellences – explain the organizers – must be framed in an integrated medium and long-term strategic vision, aimed at pursuing the Objectives of the Agenda UN 2030. To realize this vision, shared administration tools are needed, which put co-programming and co-planning at the centre. It is about making our territory welcoming, safe, attractive and capable of generating entrepreneurship, producing quality employment, combating inequalities and poverty, addressing the problem of the aging population, generating innovation through schools, universities, businesses and Professional Training Centres, strengthen connections and accessibility with new infrastructures, reduce territorial fragmentation and consolidate alliances in the vast area. The local administration, now and in the future, will have to actively collaborate to reduce inequalities: stable and contractually guaranteed jobs mean decent pensions – too often called into question by the precariousness of working relationships and by an evolution of the economic system unbalanced towards sectors characterized by low wages and poor protection (e.g. tourism)”.

“The next local administration – they conclude – will also have to address the demographic problem, which conditions the economic future of the city, with interventions in favor of the work integration of migrants”.

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